Jun 10, 2005 01:49
You might be wondering why Nelly is my song... well because im watching Bad Boys II...
Well my computer doesnt let me on myspace so im here... on LJ... **blows dust off my LJ**
wow haven't seen this in a while...
So yea...
Well One thing that has been brought to my attention today was that
poeple that are addicted to LJ seem to have one thing in common...
what they do when they're pissed... which is get online and write
a LJ about it... LOL im not criticizing any one but i found that to
be pretty funny... i mean i use to do that... but not anymore... lol
cuz i have a new addiction thanx to my girlfriend.. myspace... which
kicks ass actually... Yea i need more pics on it though... yea... i'll
take some soon... Well hopefully this saturday the Square can reunite once
again. Well i also have noticed something people that are Emo dont
necessarily have to be emo... i mean they choose to be emo... because
I heard that once you become emo... everyone is out to get you...
you have no friends... because for some reason or another they
all just want to fuck your life up... WHAT KINDA SHIT IS THAT!?!?
thats pretty crazy or paranoid... but hey what can we do... i mean
some emo people choose to think that theirs "friends" are against them...
I mean you could choose to believe that or believe that they are your friends
and are not out to get you... well i think im done being a Philosofiser...
I'm gonna go... night night...
PS: I love My Sweet ChiChiLa