Summer Challenge 2014

Apr 26, 2014 20:43

Maple Berry flavour
(Landmark Bunnies)

1. Buckingham Palace
2. Pyramids of Giza
3. Palace of Versailles
4. Atlantis
5. The White House
6. Sydney Opera House
7. Acropolis
8. Leaning Tower of Pisa
9. Chichen Itza
10. Taj Mahal
11. Kremlin
12. Great Wall of China
13. Angkor
14. Potala Palace
15. Stonehenge

So in an attempt to coax my muse back to me I'm going to have a go at this but I'll set my goals quite low as I haven't really been writing properly for a few years. Also, I've called these Landmark Bunnies but as you can probably tell not all of these are actual landmarks. I'm hoping I can get away with some creative licence in this regard.

Base Level: 5
Silver: 10
Gold: 15

summer challenge 2014

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