(no subject)

Dec 23, 2006 22:55

Sara, you better enjoy this because it's one of your prezzies! (I really enjoyed writing it too! I'll have to write more.)

If you want to give me some topics that'd be cool. But we'll see!

Rated PG-13 for stuff...

There are times in almost every young woman’s life when she must realize something. It’s something important, and it’s something that some must struggle with more than others. And Hinamori was learning that hard fact of life all too quickly.

Size matters.

Hinamori was sure that it mattered to guys too (she’d heard stories!) but you couldn’t tell from the outside. What inadequacies men felt about that subject was something they could handle on their own, but for girls/young-women/females it was different.

Because some (such as Matsumoto) were… endowed.

And in Matsumoto’s case, well endowed.

And quite visibly well endowed.

That’s why years later when Kira would tell Hinamori about how he had to fight Matsumoto on the rooftops and he doubled the weight of her sword again and again but still lost Hinamori would have to stifle a giggle. Matusmoto was used to carrying around extra weight.

However, Hinamori would never be blessed with that curse. And she knew it. She took after her mother, flat and dull. Although Hinamori was working on the second part! She told herself from the beginning that she was not going to be a young (flat-chested) woman that sat and served tea! She would be a young (flat-chested) shinigami! A capable (if a bit flat-chested) shinigami. She’d be captain someday.

She stared into the mirror and sighed as she admitted to herself, “A flat-chested captain.”

Suddenly, the door opened. In walked Kira, “Hinamori-kun?” He shouted, “Are you in?”

He then looked aroud the room to see her huddled in front of the mirror. Her white blouse was off and around her waist, her legs (in her slightly too long red pants) were drawn up close around her. With her small but muscular bare arms she hugged her knees closely in front of her. Her face was quite well camoflauged with her pants.

“Don’t you knock? Get out!” She shouted from behind the pants.

Kira hastily retreated outside. Now his face was red, which was perhaps a bit fortunate, because this way his blood wasn’t rushing elsewhere.

She opened the door (her shirt was on) and Kira turned too face her, bowing low and apologizing profusely.

She smiled shyly. She could smell him from here, now that he was at approximately her height.
“It’s okay.” She said, “Just knock next time.”

And yeah, I totally blame my current music as to why it's about this subject.
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