(Which reminds me, phone me one evening this week or next and we'll see if we can get the Eastercon domain stuff pointed over before the convention ... since you've still not managed to come around and visit yet!)
I'm currently planning on doing the main layout in (hack, spit) MS Word as I am most familiar with it and I'd imagine most of the people who volunteer will have used it before. And I'm going to do the picture editing in Paint Shop Pro (for much the same reason), though if someone wants to do their text /picture editing in something more Mac friendly then that's fine provided the final file is agnostic.
That pile of stuff sounds really good (I've a USB CD writer for my laptop, but I've not tried it out so I don't know if it works ... need to get some blank CDs as all my blanks are currently DVDs)
The wireless router will be good ... particularly if it has some wired ethernet ports as well (the desktop I'm planning on bringing doesn't have a wireless card in it, at the moment, though I may change that over this weekend!)
I'm expecting to take the train, so much of my kit will be going up in the convention van (I hope!)
In some ways I'm almost tempted to insist that people keying in articles use something like Notepad, just so they don't put in formatting that then has to be stripped out again!
I'll be contacting people like Beyond Cyberdrome, David Wake, Ian Sorensen, the Chaos Costumers, the gamers, the GAMERz etc. to get brief articles on each of their bits of the convention so that we can run promos in the newsletter to get people along.
I've also started contacting the bids for 2007 and 2008 so that we can get their post-bid information ready for the Sunday afternoon newsletter.
And (as mentioned by the fantastic bugshaw above), we should have the nominees for the various awards in electronic format so we can get the awards issue mapped out and just have to drop in the winners (and their photos) at the con.
I don't know if there will be enough news etc. but ideally I'm thinking of up to 11 issues! Thursday - show up with an issue 0 of last minute changes etc. something that can pretty much just be photocopied and distributed. Friday morning and afternoon Saturday morning and afternoon, plus awards Sunday morning and afternoon, plus masquerade Monday morning and possibly dead dog.
If there's not enough news, then we could cut it down to six issues. Friday afternoon Saturday morning (programme changes) and (probably) afternoon Sunday morning (including awards and programme changes), masquerade issue in the evening Monday morning
The 11 issues in more detail Thursday issue is done when we arrive, so Thursday it's just a matter of printing off issue 0. Issue 0 will probably include anything that's too late for the ReadMe, requests for help in setting up the ArtShow and Dealers Room, last minute guest changes etc. And then finding out what programme changes there are for Friday, grabbing a few "setting up" photos of things like the artshow and dealer's room. Throw them into the prepared "Friday morning" master and stay in the bar.
Friday morning put out the first "live" issue of the convention including any announcements, requests for help, promos of that day's items and possibly an article on BC or Chaos Costuming or Gaming.
Friday afternoon/evening put out the second issue with the first programme reviews, restaurant reviews from Thursday evening, pad it out with photos if necessary.
Saturday morning, usual programme changes, party reviews, restaurant reviews and trailers for that day's programme items.
Saturday afternoon, if there's enough news, put out an issue, otherwise wait and just put out the awards issue.
Saturday evening, get photos and quotes from award winners, drop them into prepared awards issue, print it.
Sunday morning, programme changes, restaurant reviews, programme item reviews, post-awards party photos etc.
Sunday afternoon, who's won the 2007/2008 bids, their guests, sites, rates etc. "come collect (and pay for) your artshow auction wins", plus anything else interesting.
Monday morning, last day of the con, final programme changes, programme item reviews, requests for car sharers, closing down sale ads from dealers etc.
Monday evening (assuming the printers haven't been packed away!), final farewell issue including any fun photos.
And maybe someone will do a spoof issue somewhere in there too!
(Which reminds me, phone me one evening this week or next and we'll see if we can get the Eastercon domain stuff pointed over before the convention ... since you've still not managed to come around and visit yet!)
I'm currently planning on doing the main layout in (hack, spit) MS Word as I am most familiar with it and I'd imagine most of the people who volunteer will have used it before. And I'm going to do the picture editing in Paint Shop Pro (for much the same reason), though if someone wants to do their text /picture editing in something more Mac friendly then that's fine provided the final file is agnostic.
That pile of stuff sounds really good (I've a USB CD writer for my laptop, but I've not tried it out so I don't know if it works ... need to get some blank CDs as all my blanks are currently DVDs)
The wireless router will be good ... particularly if it has some wired ethernet ports as well (the desktop I'm planning on bringing doesn't have a wireless card in it, at the moment, though I may change that over this weekend!)
I'm expecting to take the train, so much of my kit will be going up in the convention van (I hope!)
No problem. Only one person should be doing the layout - most others will be using text editors or similar.
Likewise it doesnt really matter what people use for picture editing so long as they are familiar with it. PSP sounds fine. (I used to use it a lot).
Yes the wireless router has several wired ports as well.
I'll be contacting people like Beyond Cyberdrome, David Wake, Ian Sorensen, the Chaos Costumers, the gamers, the GAMERz etc. to get brief articles on each of their bits of the convention so that we can run promos in the newsletter to get people along.
I've also started contacting the bids for 2007 and 2008 so that we can get their post-bid information ready for the Sunday afternoon newsletter.
And (as mentioned by the fantastic bugshaw above), we should have the nominees for the various awards in electronic format so we can get the awards issue mapped out and just have to drop in the winners (and their photos) at the con.
I don't know if there will be enough news etc. but ideally I'm thinking of up to 11 issues!
Thursday - show up with an issue 0 of last minute changes etc. something that can pretty much just be photocopied and distributed.
Friday morning and afternoon
Saturday morning and afternoon, plus awards
Sunday morning and afternoon, plus masquerade
Monday morning and possibly dead dog.
If there's not enough news, then we could cut it down to six issues.
Friday afternoon
Saturday morning (programme changes) and (probably) afternoon
Sunday morning (including awards and programme changes), masquerade issue in the evening
Monday morning
The 11 issues in more detail
Thursday issue is done when we arrive, so Thursday it's just a matter of printing off issue 0. Issue 0 will probably include anything that's too late for the ReadMe, requests for help in setting up the ArtShow and Dealers Room, last minute guest changes etc.
And then finding out what programme changes there are for Friday, grabbing a few "setting up" photos of things like the artshow and dealer's room. Throw them into the prepared "Friday morning" master and stay in the bar.
Friday morning put out the first "live" issue of the convention including
any announcements, requests for help, promos of that day's items and
possibly an article on BC or Chaos Costuming or Gaming.
Friday afternoon/evening put out the second issue with the first programme
reviews, restaurant reviews from Thursday evening, pad it out with photos
if necessary.
Saturday morning, usual programme changes, party reviews, restaurant
reviews and trailers for that day's programme items.
Saturday afternoon, if there's enough news, put out an issue, otherwise
wait and just put out the awards issue.
Saturday evening, get photos and quotes from award winners, drop them into prepared awards issue, print it.
Sunday morning, programme changes, restaurant reviews, programme item
reviews, post-awards party photos etc.
Sunday afternoon, who's won the 2007/2008 bids, their guests, sites, rates
etc. "come collect (and pay for) your artshow auction wins", plus anything else interesting.
Sunday evening, masquerade winners issue (mostly photos)
Monday morning, last day of the con, final programme changes, programme
item reviews, requests for car sharers, closing down sale ads from dealers etc.
Monday evening (assuming the printers haven't been packed away!), final
farewell issue including any fun photos.
And maybe someone will do a spoof issue somewhere in there too!
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