Apr 04, 2006 13:25
In a foolish moment, I volunteered (yes, the "V" word!) to run the Concussion Newsletter.
And since my friends are very talented, I'm now turning to all of you (whether you're going to the Eastercon in Glasgow this year or not) for some assistance.
My plan is to put together a full set of "dummy" newsletters with fillos, silly quotes etc. and then as news stories show up at Easter to swop in the real stories for the dummy ones so that at any moment we can just hit the "print" button and go to press.
So if you've got any doodles, favourite SF quotes (books, films, comics etc.), memories of the Worldcon (including any good pictures of the Moat House/Crowne Plaza, Campanile or City Inn) or ideas for short, funny articles, then please send them to me (connewsletter (at) gmail.com). Since the programme will include video reruns of Captain Tartan and Lucas Back in Anger, photos of either play will be especially welcome! As will photos of any of the guests ...
If you go to any programme items, can you write down a quick review (including number of people, how well the item worked, whether it should be run again) and we'll print what we can and publish the rest online. Ditto parties or other events.
I'm also hoping to have an email address for article submission (I've already got a gmail account setup for this purpose as above, ConNewsletter@gmail.com but I don't know how accessible it will be at the con) and perhaps even an LJ ... and to post the newsletter up either to a webpage or LJ as each issue is ready for printing, so that those of you who aren't there can see what's happening (and so that articles that don't fit (in part or in full) on the printed page can be published in full)
If you send anything in, let me know how you'd like to be credited.
My master plan (if possible) is to sit in the bar most of the convention with a laptop and type in stuff as it happens/as people tell me it and to lay it out there in the bar before sending it off to print.
Of course my plan may fail, in which case I'd be delighted if any of you would volunteer to come join me in the newsletter office, drinking nice drinks, eating snacks, listening to interesting music (oh, and occasionally helping me get a newsletter issue out). If any of you have a spare laptop you could bring with you (even if it has to run on mains power and doesn't have much processor speed) that would also be good!
I've asked my committee contact how much else newsletter will be expected to do (programme change sheets, art show bidding forms, masquerade signup sheets etc.) so if anyone has ones they did for previous year's conventions, then please send them to me and we'll have them on disk in case of emergency!