
Mar 27, 2012 12:19

And now a rant!

I'm sorry, but it was NOT Xenophobic of me to tell you you shouldn't name your kid some Indian name! But of course then I was wrong for telling you to not be selfish. You probably have a name like Stephanie or Melissa. Names that never get teased. But I know what it's like to have a name that people tease over. And mine is just a surname! Imagine if you named your child something that people can't even pronounce at first glance!
Don't even get me started on name like Heaven and Starflower. GTFO IDIOT PARENT! You aren't thinking about your kid, you're thinking about you! Kids aren't a fashion accessory! Don't give them ridiculous names that someday someone is going to laugh at them for! It ruins lives, especially when you're so small and you have a fragile sense of self.

Also, don't call me ignorant for saying it either! Don't then make two posts trying to humiliate me! I'm not sorry!! Don't give your kid a stupid name no matter how cool you think it is now. Sure, it may be a standard name in India or perhaps it means something like 'brave warrior of the mountains', but if people can't pronounce it or spell it easily, your offspring is going to hate you by the age of 7 for giving them a name people are too lazy/dumb to pronounce!

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