Just normal average, excrutiating college

Mar 30, 2007 23:49

So the two tests I had, History of Math and Politcal Science............did not go as well as expected. Furthermore, my H.O.M. expectations were already low, so this is even worse. I hate that class with a fiery passion. MORE THAN SCIENCE. Yeah, I went there.
Poli sci im sure I pulled at least a B on the test, but I wanted an A. The mult. choice was a bit harder than usual (I had her last semester too).

I've been sick for a long time. It's allergies, I'm sure, that then caused nasal drip, and now my throat hurts (which it has for a week and a half). The health clinic ppl gave me claritin, which is good, of course, but I wanted something to make my throat stop hurting. I bought some Aleve from the store, but to be honest, I dont think it works that well. I'm considering going above the recommened dosage (OOOOOHHHH) but I'd rather just get more efffective medicine. The nurse said my throat looked like a war zone. And since I speak Nurse semi-fluently, I understood what she meant.

Girls are difficult. Why can't they be like guys? That would simplify everything.

I'm also hating this spanish reading. I hope My 5 page paper doesnt suck like I know it will.


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