Jun 15, 2005 22:28

ok, he nailed me. i AM a dork. here's why.

1. I'm in orchestra. Ergo; Orc Dorc (dork). Nuff said.

2. I love studying languages. Everyday, it seems like i want to begin a new language. I was on a romace langauge kick for a while, then i went briefly to a middle eastern language tangent, until returning back to my romantic languages (soanish, italian, portuguese). I dont have any desire to learn eastern languages. too hard to translate.

3. My primary form of excercise is fighting (physically) with my twin brother. there is not feeling involved; we fight because it's fun. we'll have fist fights, knife fights (usually using household items), and other things fights. its great. we charge all over everywhere. it hurts. we mark up our bodies with welts, and then laugh it off. except we never punch in the face (except once my brother hit me in the nose in a pool, hard. it hurt. i was pissed).

4. I've been looking at colleges since freshman year, and have really only been fixated on one the whole time, and spent a net sum of about 20 hours doing relatively nothing. huge waste of time.

5. I am badly addicted to chess. I can't liv without it. i can go into severe withdrawl, which is usually made worse once im re-intoduced to it after a long period of not playing. any takers? RSON? Zeke? jeslyn? BAM? ( i didnt think you would either). apparently im pretty good, but i think its a huge conspiracy. implay on the internet alot, and thus i am a dork. i win alot in person and lose alot online (they're all pro's).
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