Mar 02, 2008 15:46
I just realized that on weekends, I tell time based partly on where the sun is on the living room futon. I was watering my plant, looked over, and thought "oh, it must be about 4 - the sun's almost off the futon." I suspect Rita does the same - she was the one who mentioned a while ago that prime sun-on-futon time was 1-2 in the afternoon. We both know this because we have both spent large parts of a day following the sun across the futon. Though I doubt she has any idea when the sun first hits the futon; the only time she's awake early enough is when she has work, and even then I think awake is a little bit of an exaggeration. Semi-ambulatory might be more accurate.
We are not, however, proper cats. Aside from the lack of fur and tails, and the presence of opposable thumbs, you can tell this because we have never come trotting excitedly into the house with a still-squirming animal in our jaws. Nor have we left bloodstains in unpleasant places when we finally got around to eating said small squirming animals. In this respect I am glad we only have one cat living here.