Oct 16, 2005 17:25
i'm going to have to say my party was a big hit. invited 150 people and about 125 people came. even though i let some people in even if i didn't invite them and people snuck in and got wristbands off of other people, i had a good time. it was fun kicking people out i have to admit. no joke, if you didn't have a wristband on, goodbye to you. :] i know it sounds bad, but seriously... there were some people who were dressed up in almost no clothes up in my party? i do NOT think so. adios.
but people say i should have put it on MTV., hahaha. WOW. i have a lot of pictures from my party on thursday night that will take a while to upload, resize, and put in here.
friday night, i went to sarah's party down at the beach. it was enjoying. about ten girls... and we all just hung out and talked and i got closer to some girls i never really talked to but knew from friends.
saturday, i went to SEA WORLD with allison and alberto. it was so awesome, even if i was looking for this one guy the whole time. he rode a couple rows ahead of me on the water ride i went on and boy oh boy... we had eye-contact. haha
saturday night (lastnight), i went over to caties. it was a reunion of THE TRIO aka catie, mandy, and i. we haven't hung out in forever.. so we took pics. i'll post those too. they are for our myspace pictures hahaha.
but enough of that. THIS WEEK IS HOMECOMING WEEK!!!
tomorrow - sport team day ---> FSU, thank you very much.
tuesday - decade day --------> 80's (yes about everyone and their mom will be doing it)
wednesday - twin day --------> with valerie - have no clue what we're doing yet.
thursday - character day ------> SPIDERMAN [got my costume today.. yeeeeeah!]
friday - green and white day ---> school colors.. gonna be reppin our school.
hope you all have a good week and had a good weekend :]