New Years, etc.

Jan 02, 2009 11:18

Every two years the service fraternity that crypticwanderer and I were in in college has its national convention.  Even though we are out of college, many alumni go back for it since it is an excuse to all hang out together.  This year, it was in Boston so many of our old friends were in town for that week and some stayed through new years.  We didn't actually pay for or attend any of the conference other then the banquets since we really have no more use for workshops on planning your chapters service program so we hung out with our friends most of the week.

A bunch of us had planned to go into Boston for the First Night stuff for New Years but some of us decided against it because of the crappy weather.  I'm really glad I did since I am not a huge fan of the big crowds that are usually associated with such events, and they almost never turn out to be as fun as they sound.  Instead we ended up at the condo Laura's parents rent in Boston(her parents were not there so we could use it for an impromptu party).  I got to spend New years with crypticwanderer jjanetc doggiebert jjanetc doggiebert Wally, Mikey, Sara, Aaron, and Laura.  We made spaghetti with turkey sauce for dinner and had cheese and crackers and other snacks.  We mostly played games Dave and I had brought.  I played Robo Ralley with jjanetc jjanetc , Wally, Laura, Sara and Aaron. I breezed through the first game easily and reached the end before anybody else touched the first flag.  The second game ended early due to the fact that we had been playing for almost and hour and nobody had yet touched a single flag and midnight was fast approaching.  Wally even died completely that time and none of us had seen that before in the flag mode of Robo Rally. While we played Robo Rally, Dave, Charlie and Mikey attempted to play Settlers of Catan but found when they opened the brand new game that all of the cards were missing.  I'm pretty pissed about that.  They ended up playing Ticket to Ride instead.

At midnight we watched the annual Dick Clark ball drop thing and had champagne.  It seems like every New Years at midnight I attempt to have champagne only to remember that I don't really like it very much.  It also seems like the higher the quality of the champagne, the more I hate the taste.

On New Years day we had brunch at IHOP with edrick jazzhot doggiebert jjanetc Laura, Sara, and Wally.  Last night we hung out with one of jjanetc and doggiebert's friends from Syracuse who was in town visiting his girlfriend who lives in this area.  I had met him once before at JJ's conversion ceramony and he and his girlfriend both seem cool.  Apparently he is moving to this area to go to school next fall.

Right now everyone but JJ,Charlie and Sara have gone back home.  The three of them will stay at our house tonight before heading back to Syracuse and Greenwich tomorow.

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