9.3 - 13 things you know about the person closest to you.

May 26, 2008 14:52

9.3 - 13 things you know about the person closest to you.
OOC: whattingawhat used with permission.

Buffy’s sittin’ right here. So here goes.

1. She’s from Sunnydale, California.
2. Has a younger sister named Dawn.
3. Losin’ her mom was traumatic and hard on her.
4. Her father figure is some old British guy named Jimmy… John… Jeeves… Aw, dammit. It’s somethin’ really different. Just a sec… GILES! Yeah, that’s it.
5. She likes shoes.
6. Favorite food: Chocolate. (We’ve decided it counts.)
7. She likes cookie-dough fudge mint chip ice cream.
8. Owns a ton of cross necklaces and still keeps buyin’ ‘em.
9. Her favorite color is white.
10. She’s tough as nails. No matter what happens or has happened, she’s never a victim.
11. Teaches self-defense classes.
12. She wants to be with me just as much as I wanna be with her. Novel concept. It’s pretty damn fantastic. Boom.
13. Was livin’ in Scotland before she met me.

- Danny Messer
- CSI: New York
- Talk to me

muse: danny messer, journal: stillacrime, !prompt set 09, fandom: csi ny

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