[The Lucky 13] 13 People I Think Deserve To Be Slapped Upside The Head

Apr 22, 2008 09:28

1 - Joe, for working too damn hard all the time. I mean, seriously...the guy's driving himself batshit crazy riding the desk with his arm in a damn sling. GO HOME, JOE.

2 - Lucas Hoyt...my ex. 'Nuff said.

3 - Granddad. He's my grandfather...when do I not stand by the position that someone should haul off and smack him one?

4 - American voters for casting a single ballot in favor of a Humanitarian delegate in the presidential race. It's bad enough we already have to deal with the Republicans, man, they're like Paranormal Bigot Lite.

5 - Mike, my godfather...not for any fault of his own, but these flashbacks he's been having make him zone out sometimes. The slap is kind of needed.

6 - James Marlowe, Asshole of the Year. He's a miserable motherfucker, a jackass, and deserves it more than even I sometimes do.

7 - Terry Riordan, for giving us all heart attacks during the start of the Mission investigation.

8 - Raphael, but only when he's being a grump and I can get away with it if I'm gentle. :P

9 - Mel Gibson...what? I know I'm not alone!

10 - The barista at Starbucks yesterday...I told him THREE times, double espresso, not double sugar! Bitch.

11 - My Creative Writing teacher...at least last night he deserved a good thwap.

12 - Joe, again, because he still owes me ten bucks. Pay up, Loserface!!

13 - My grandmother...AKA, my new magic teacher. She's a relative, and she's my instructor...it's a low-level desire to just bop her a little.

Rian Baxter
Original Character


!prompt set 05, journal: crusades_r_us, muse: rian baxter, fandom: original character

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