56.1 - 13 places you hate.
1. Small spaces
2. Union Wells High School
3. Costa Verde High School
4. Primatech (it's gone now)
5. Morgues
6. Basements
7. Gyms.
8. Diving platforms.
9. Pantry closets
10. Airplanes
11. Burning...anything.
12. Cemetaries
13. Football Games.
56.2 - 13 words/phrases you need to hear.
1. I love you.
2. It'll be okay.
3. You're not a bad person.
4. I forgive you.
5. Those who matter, don't care. Those who care, don't matter.
6. I need you.
7. You're beautiful.
8. Anything with "Clairebear"
9. I'm sorry.
10. I like being with you.
11. We'll get through this.
12. I'm not going anywhere.
13. I'll be here.
56.3 - 13 Costumes you hate.
1. Costumes that people put on their pets.
2. Oompa Loompas
3. People who put a sheet over their head to pass as a ghost
4. Freddy Krueger
5. Jason from the Halloween movies
6. The whole sexy cheerleader.
7. The sexy nurse. It's over done.
8. The sexy French Maid. Look at comment above.
9. The dead cheerleader
10. [locked] Harry Potter [/locked]
11. Witch, sexy or not.
12. Dracula
13. The costume that someone slaps together at the last minute and it makes no sense!