54.4: Make your own list.

Jul 28, 2009 23:12

13 people Clark still thinks about.

*Dad. He still had so much left to do... and he died because of me. Lex was right. It was my fault.
*Mom. I haven't seen her in over a year. She doesn't even know I'm gone.
*Kara. I hope she's happy, wherever she is.
*Ryan. The closest thing I ever had to a brother. He was so young. It wasn't fair.
*Pete. Sometimes I wish I'd never told him my secret. All it did was ruin his life, just like it ruined Chloe's.
*Chloe's mom. If she didn't have the Kryptonite infection, she'd still be with Chloe. Chloe would have grown up with a mother who loved her.
*Lionel. He died protecting my secret, just like so many others.
*Lex. I still wish things could have been different. That I could have saved him from himself.
*Lana. I may not feel the way I used to, but I still wonder.
*Oliver. He stabbed me in the back... literally. And yet I still miss him.
*Davis. I wish I could have saved him. Before the darkness set in.
*Jimmy. He shouldn't have died. It should have been me.
*Chloe. Always Chloe. I've hurt her so much... but I'll never have the chance to do that again. I've made sure of it.

Clark Kent
Please direct comments here.
OOC: Set after Doomsday in an AU verse. Meant to be private, but if you REALLY feel the urge to go meta, go for it. *shrug*

fandom: smallville/superman, !prompt set 54, muse: clark kent, journal: alwaysherhero

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