the_lucky13 Prompt Set 52.3 13 things that should be illegal in all 50 states

Jul 06, 2009 17:52

1. Lack of a sense of humor!
2. Excessive faith in God.
3. Boring tendencies to talk about said faith in God.
4. Anything boring!
5. Heroes hiding behind masks.
6. Bad drugs.
7. Blunt knives.
8. Games that are no fun.
9. Wearing underpants on Thursdays. Just because!
10. Saying "I love you" unless you mean it.
11. Dyeing one's hair any color other than green.
12. Being gloomy! Unless you're a cute-looking Goth.
13. Any laws or rules at all!

Muse: The Joker
Fandom: Batman

fandom: batman, !prompt set 52, journal: why_s0_srs, muse: the joker

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