Becky Ryan
* PUBLIC RELATIONS, specifically TOURS - Supervisor : Jermaine.
- She'll need to given all information regarding SI:NY and sent around with some of the seasoned tour guides. Jessica, maybe?
- Fitting for her uniform.
- Paperwork STILL needs to be signed. I know you've given it to her a few times, but make her sign it, alright?
Milo Fields
*PUBLIC RELATIONS, specifically PRESS RELEASES - Supervisor: Terrance
- His first week should be spent with Terrance, and only Terrance.
- Once security clearance is approved, he should be fine on his own.
Mary Cherry
*PUBLIC RELATIONS, specifically LOBBYING - Supervisor: Samantha
- I'll handle everything for her personally. She'll be coming to Rome with me, can you get travel itinerary done so she arrives by tomorrow evening at the latest?
Sapphire Thompson
*RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, specifically ENGINEERING - Supervisor: Travis
- Security clearance needs to completed
- Still waiting on a few references from NYU
- She'll be working in SI and SM, so make sure Billy is aware too.
Adam White
*RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, specifically ENGINEERING - Supervisor: Travis
- Same as Sapphire.
Phillip Moore*RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, specifically LABORATORY WORK - Supervisor: Tannis
- Same as Sapphire.