the_lucky13 prompt fourty three

Mar 02, 2009 20:54

43.2 - 13 People you want to save.
1. Peter
2. Dad
3. Matt Parkman
4. Hiro Nakamura
5. Dr. Suresh
6. Daphne
7. Hiro's friend, I think his name is Ando
8. My mom
9. Lyle
10. Alex, or at least that he stays safe
11. Anyone else who escaped
12. Whoever the Rebel sends me to help
13. Myself.  One day.

43.3 - Reasons I'm not ready for a relationship
1. Hello, government going after people with abilities. 
2. I have agents following me, that makes dating hard.
3. I don't know how comfortable I can be getting...intimate.
4. Be hard dating someone normal when I'm not.
5. Dating someone else with abilities wouldn't work because I'd have to send them away.
6. I had to send Alex away even after we kissed.
7. Not sure anyone will ever really get me.
8. I know he's still out there, I can't have a normal life while he is.
9. My dad would probably scare any guy off.
10. Anyone I'm with would be in danger.
11. I don't want to have to lie like my dad lied to my mom.
12. Just not sure I'm ready.
13. If my parents can't make it work......

journal: girl_ofsecrets, !prompt set 43, muse: claire bennet, fandom: heroes

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