#2.2: 13 people you respect

Mar 20, 2008 09:13

[ooc: Based on canon and RPG game hearts_andminds.]

1. Riddick (b_for_bastard) - he is my mentor, big brother, best friend, pain in the ass.

2. Caroline Frye - she was strong, smart and she kept me alive. I still miss her.

3. The Imam - he kept his faith through everything and he was nice. It wasn't because of anything he or his wife did that I ran away to join the Mercs.

4. The Guv - taught me everything I knew in the Slam.

5. Polgara (polofthevale) - she is powerful and smart.

6. Lilah Morgan (notorious_miss) - she is smart and a survivor. I'm learning a lot about different kinds of power from her.

7. William Johns (just_johns) - he's a survivor and an ass. He's also strong because he broke his addiction and he likes livin' on the edge.

8. Tyr Anasazi by Barbarosa out of Victoria (Kodiak_tyr) - yeah he gets the formal treatment 'cause he deserves it. He's smart and lethal and a survivor. He's teachin' me a lot about 'life'.

9. Shane Wolfe (shockandaww) - Sure he's the head of the Church of Do-gooders but he also has a strength of character like the Imam. He never judges me and he makes me laugh. He also is a lot like Riddick though they'd both have a pissy fit if I said that. Which yeah kinda makes me want to say it.

10. Ron Weasley (red_haired_hero) - He's not a dick. Sorry, private joke there. Ron is strong. I don't think he knows that, but I see somethin' in his eyes when he thinks about his war.

11. Faramir (faramir_hurin) - He's another guy that goes to the Church of the Do-Gooders, but he's never judgmental.

12. Bob (hrothbert) - I only met him once but I saw his strength. I mean he's cursed to a stupid skull for hundreds of years and he doesn't even think about revenge. Weird huh?

13. My parents - I don't remember them much. They've been dead the same amount of time they been alive but I remember them both being strong, smart and stubborn. Same as me, 'cept I twisted it to survive.

Pitch Black/Chronicles of Riddick

!prompt set 02, journal: kills_slavers, muse: jack/kyra, fandom: chronicles of riddick

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