the_lucky13 Prompt Set 37.1: 13 of the hardest things you've ever done

Jan 22, 2009 21:37

Mun Note: This list is AU and RP-based.

1. Accepting that Jill was gone forever.
2. Raising a child alone for the first few years.
3. Coming to terms with the fact I have cancer.
4. Transforming myself from someone who took his life for granted to someone who seeks to enlighten others as to the value of their own lives.
5. Being strong enough to live a way of life that few understand.
6. Detaching emotionally when I need to.
7. Accepting that there will be suffering all around when I seek to bring enlightenment.
8. Struggling to rise above any self-doubt or remorse that may arise.
9. Facing the days when I am in intense physical pain.
10. Hiding the physical and emotional distress from those I love - they have enough to worry about without my woes.
11. Forcing myself to carry on with my work when I am at my weakest.
12. Being open to the spiritual on the days when I doubt there are any higher powers in the universe.
13. Admitting to myself that I am beginning to believe in something… others will find very strange indeed. Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn!

Muse: John Kramer AKA Jigsaw
Fandom: Saw

!prompt set 37, muse: john kramer, fandom: saw, journal: deathangeljohn

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