37.3 - 13 things that haunt you.

Jan 21, 2009 07:25

37.3 - 13 things that haunt you.

1.  My parents always arguing and fighting.
2.  Lawrence going insane and cutting his foot off.
3.  Every single time she raped me.
4.  Never being able to tell Jacobi that I loved him because I was afraid of what that might mean.
5.  My out of body experience, or what I remember of it.
6.  Walking through my apartment and coming across that damn puppet...Sorry I broke it John.
7.  Zep.  Singing.  'Nuff said.
8.  Deep water and drowning.
9.  The feeling of going into a coma.  I was aware of every second.
10.  Hermes shoving me back into my body.  That was interesting.
11.  Realizing no one could see or hear me, no matter how loud I screamed.
12.  My grandparents deaths.  They practically raised me.  I miss them terribly.
13.  Visits from social workers.  I'm always afraid they'll take Corbett from me.

!prompt set 37, fandom: saw, muse: adam faulkner, journal: effingconfused

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