the_lucky13 Prompt Set 32.2: 13 things on your Christmas wishlist.

Dec 16, 2008 19:40

Mun Note: This list is AU and RP-based.

1. For people to appreciate their lives.
2. To have my loved ones all around me, for the holidays and always.
3. For my health to improve a bit.
4. Some better ideas for tests.
5. Fun times with my son Gideon.
6. Lots of kisses and hugs from Zep and Amanda!
7. A good year for all the family.
8. A set of all Lovecraft’s writings
9. Scented bath things, massage oils, and other stuff like that - so my darlings and I can have lots of fun with them!
10. A pair of warm slippers.
11. Some time for a nice long nap. Preferably with the kitten. She relaxes me.
12. I know it’s a little soon to wish for this yet - but, a healthy baby!
13. Much more than kisses and hugs from my precious Zep and Amanda!

Muse: John Kramer AKA Jigsaw
Fandom: Saw

muse: john kramer, fandom: saw, journal: deathangeljohn, !prompt set 32

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