the_lucky13 Prompt Set 29.1: 13 wishes you've made.

Nov 25, 2008 21:06

Mun Note: This list is AU and RP-based

1. For people to learn to appreciate their lives
2. For a healthy baby
3. To feel a little better
4. To stay alive long enough to spend plenty of quality time with my loved ones
5. For people to stop hurting children
6. To be able to do more of my important work
7. To spread my message as far and wide as possible
8. For people to understand that I am not a serial killer, or any kind of killer at all
9. To live long enough to explore spirituality in more depth
10. For my family to know how much I love them and that I would do anything at all for them
11. For Gideon to know how proud of him I am
12. To be able to watch the baby grow and have her get to know me
13. For Zep and Amanda to be able to marry me, in some way…

Muse: John Kramer AKA Jigsaw
Fandom: Saw

muse: john kramer, fandom: saw, journal: deathangeljohn, !prompt set 29

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