25.2 13 of your favorite sexual things

Nov 04, 2008 13:08

1. Kissing. Kissing is essential and the first kiss can tell you everything you need to know.

2. Touching. Not even overtly sexual. It can be a slow deliberate stroke from shoulder to wrist, a hand on the small of my back, a brush of a finger against my neck. Little things count just as much as the big stuff.

3. Talking. What can I say? I'm a writer. Words are sexy to me. The sound the shape of them on someone's lips, the pitch. Light or intense. Teasing, seducing, flirting, commanding, coaxing, pleading. I can't think of anything less sexy than silent sex.

4. Looking. Sure, blindfolds have their place but if there's someone I want to have sex with I want to see them. And sometimes I want to see me too. Mirrors are a wonderful thing.

5. Smelling. I'm not talking four days no shower, but seriously there's nothing wrong with sweat and smelling like sex. It's very primal and sexy. People have taken hygeine to some ridiculous levels to the point where everyone is powdered, perfumed, lotioned, whatevered so much it's as natural as having sex with an inflatible rubber doll.

6. Tasting. I don't think there's anyplace on a lover's body that I wouldn't taste...except probably feet. Feet don't do it for me but anywhere else? Yes.

7. Hearing. Not just talking during foreplay and sex, but those little sounds. The gasps, the growls, the little hitch in someone's breath when you're doing something so very right they can't manage to get the words out.

8. Biting. Nibbling. Nipping. Anything short of taking out a chunk and I'm good with. I don't care if it's juvenile: hickeys can be sexy. But they're best left below the collarbone otherwise you wind up wearing turtlenecks for a week.

9. Wild-dirty-throw down-up against the wall-on the desk-in front of the windows-in the supply closet-in the parking garage-behind the bar-hike up your skirt-yank down your pants-shoes on sex. It's all about the urgency. Now before I die. Who doesn't want to be wanted like that?

10. All-day-slow-teasing-building the anticipation-more-greedy-up close-so personal-no getting out of bed-better drink your Gatorade-sex until your brain is mush just to fall asleep and start all over again.

11. Play. Sex is fun and funny. There's so much to try and explore. After all they're sex TOYS. Toys = fun. Shopping for toys with your partner? Very sexy.

12. I love costumes. I didn't even know I did until I started looking around and saw how many of them are ADORABLE. There's a lot more than just the old French Maid's outfit. All color coordinated with accessories too. I love adult dress up.

13. Bondage. Nuff said.

Chloe Sullivan

fandom: smallville/superman, !prompt set 25, journal: reportresurrect, muse: chloe sullivan

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