1. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back--okay, this is going to sound stupid and geeky, which I am, thanks very much, but as I've tried to explain to Rachel, the original trilogy is a classic that lasts the ages and stands the test of time, etc. etc. This one just happens to be the most badass of said trilogy. I mean, you had to slough through story and plot setting things up to begin with in Episode IV, and let's face it, Epsidoe VI isn't the creme de la creme. This one's got it all. The plotty bits, the action, the romance, the plot twists, come on, what's not to love about it?
2. Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope--see above
3. Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi--see above
4. The Matrix--yes, as in the original. You could see things just starting to fall apart all through the 2nd one, and by the end, you just couldn't even bother with it anymore, and then you get gyped. Yeah, I'll take the superman ending of awesome instead. Does it sound wrong if I say it's awesome due to the fact that it awakens the paranoid fear one has in the back of their head we have from the start? And the visuals, and the much-awesome, much-parodied bullet time. Complicated, yes, but undeniably rad.
5. Jurassic Park--hello there movie with amazingly awesome-looking dinosaurs rampaging around. To be honest, I've never read the book. No idea why. It's fun. Just one of those kick back for the afternoon kind of movies. And who didn't want to be a paleontologist after it?
6. The Producers--the original. I think I learned more about WWII from “Springtime for Hitler” than I ever did in history class. (Seriously, is it prerequisite for those classes to be boring?)
7. The Hunt for Red October--because when you look up ‘badass’ in the dictionary, Sean Connery’s picture is beside it. I dunno, other than him, it’s just really good. Riveting.
8. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy--again, the original, as in the BBC version that didn’t go wildly off the original plot. It keeps the humor (or should I say, humour) of the books.
9. Goldfinger--if you like James Bond, then you like Goldfinger. I’m sorry, there’s no two ways about it. If you do not like this movie, you are not a Bond fan. And what I said about Connery? Also applies here.
10. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan--one of the GOOD Trek movies. I did warn I was a geek. Out of all of them, this one had the best plot. The acting was so over-the-top-as it tends to be in this series--but it somehow worked so well. Plus, it gave geeks around the world an awesome catchphrase.
11. Monty Python and the Holy Grail--comedy gold. Also a cult classic that everyone should experience at least once.
12. Young Frankenstein--because I might as well add in the other bit of comedy gold. Mel Brooks is made of win, BTW. Any of his other movies could pretty easily be on this list.
13. Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark--it’s just one of those movies to chill out any afternoon with. It takes a lot of watching for it to get old.
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