14.1 - 13 experiences you think make you a bad person.

Aug 16, 2008 12:14

I know this doesn't follow the format of the comm, so let me know if you want me to take this down. But Ennis kind of ran away with my hand on this one.

Jack counts 'nough for all thirteen'a these dumb things. He's what keeps me goin', what keeps me goin' ta Hell. Tellin' my daughter 'bout him, but her acceptin' it.. Jus' 'cause I'm happy? I know her ma done right by her, but there ain't no salvation fer my soul. Reckon Brokeback Mountain mus' count fer its own thirteen 'cause somedays I get'ta thinkin' I didn't fall in love with Jack Twist them days, but that fuckin' evil mountain. An' as I'm sayin' goodbye t'Riverton... s'what I'll miss most. An' that's how I know I'm a bad person. But I got people that care about me, dumb cowboy that I am. I never 'ad friends before an' now I got people beatin' down my door damn near. I jus'.. I jus' wanna do right by all them people, an' they want my happiness.

So the way I figure it, these 13 things can weigh on my soul an' not theirs. My soul didn't have no hope at'all after '64 an' I can't be sure I'd want it to. They can have my happiness an' I'll take my damnedness any damn day.

An' when the devil done come t'take me away I reckon he'll be Jack fuckin' Twist with a fishin' line an' I won't have no choice but t'pick up mine wit' a damn note at th'end of it. But it won't be Alma's words, it'll be mine from that day...

It'll say 'You bet'

muse: Ennis del Mar
fandom: Brokeback Mountain
Comments to cantbewithhim

journal: cantbewithhim, muse: ennis del mar, !prompt set 14, fandom: brokeback mountain

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