Aug 02, 2003 16:44

ok i have finally had the time to do thiss! :D

im making my livejournal 50% friends only. Please comment if u want to be my friend.
Do not add me if u wanna
1. Up ur friends list
2. Hardly update
3. Wont comment every once in awhile. i need to kno if u read my journal
And to go with number three, if you have many friends and it takes forever to comment, tell me so i kno. i dont wanna take you out cus i might think ur uping ur friends list >__< sorry!

I love to get to learn about new friends! :D im easy to make friends with.
so if u want to be my friend, just comment here and ill be glad to add you bak! :D

(oh and as for the friends sign..i kno it doesnt go with my background, BUT i just loved the piccy i had to make it!)
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