
Aug 11, 2009 15:58

She'd been asleep when it happened, which was fairly normal for her when these strange curses affected everyone, but Ammy was taking it with her usual grace. Which meant that she really couldn't seem to care less. Her robes had been changed to a pair of hakama and a cloak, and the sun god that strolled down the hall with a sleepy expression was ( Read more... )

series: okami

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falsicrimen August 13 2009, 01:01:02 UTC
The way Abel had dealt with the situation could not have been called graceful by any grand leap of the imagination. It was a small victory, perhaps, that he had only stopped shrieking some time ago. He was flustered and annoyed and trapped in a woman's body, but he couldn't go a week without food. Or, even as much as he dreaded the thought inwardly, human contact. Being sequestered felt too much like being locked up - voluntary or not - and his only previous experiences with dungeons and jail cells had all been most unpleasant.

Although the Hotel had granted him the passing courtesy of modifying his cassock (marginal as the change was, in some areas) to better fit, he still clutched at his coat as he made his way through the maze. He was a little shorter, and considerably less solid, but maybe if he hunched over far enough, no one would notice the difference. The persistent rumbling of his stomach was another matter entirely, however. Half a day without food was too much - had he really been considering a whole week? It wasn't even--

As he rounded another corner, Abel froze dead in his tracks, and then ducked back as quickly as possible. Oh God. Was that Ammy?


celestial_okami August 13 2009, 07:13:02 UTC
Ears perked up at the sound of somewhat familiar footsteps, and a quick sniff of the air confirmed it. Ammy turned on a dime and crept back up the hall, poking her head around the corner. There was an instant in which Ammy seriously considered stealthing up and jabbing Abel in the sides to see if he would shriek but dropped it in favor of not getting yelled at. Instead she just barked at him, her tail wagging. Being male again felt strange, and her voice sounded even stranger to her.

"Abel~! I found you!" Ammy grinned, now looking down at the priest with almost childish delight. Abel was so cute as a female, if Ammy were anyone else she might have been jealous. Rather she simply tugged fondly at a loose curl of hair that had escaped Abel's ribbon.


falsicrimen August 13 2009, 08:01:35 UTC
Courtesy aside, Abel still had not precisely the smallest of yelps escape him at that sudden, sharp sound. Again, he froze, glancing over one shoulder with a petrified look on his face. From a distance, however brief, he hadn't quite realized just what a size difference there was between them, now. Or, rather - how the scales had been tipped out of his favor, in that respect.

"S-So you did..." He was trying to return the smile, pulling his cloak a little tighter and fighting the urge to flee. He never had liked being dwarfed by other men (but even then, he'd had broad shoulders and height on his side). This was even worse. "Uh, you weren't on your way to find something to eat, by any chance?"


celestial_okami August 13 2009, 17:48:05 UTC
Ahh, so cute~! Releasing Abel's hair, Ammy wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him into a hug. A low rumble of happiness escaped her as she rubbed her cheek against the top of his head before letting him go.

"Mm, I was!" Ammy nodded, her tail wagging. "I also got you something, if you want it. Or we could go get something to eat now, and we can save the other for later if you'd like. Are you feeling better now? Your scratches are gone now, right?" The urge to prod him just to check was strong, but Ammy managed to ignore it for now. She'd gone looking for a cake for him as soon as the lights had come back on in the hotel, and she was sure she'd found one he'd really like.


falsicrimen August 13 2009, 18:21:47 UTC
Abel made a strangled noise as he was hauled, blushing, into an abrupt hug. "Be nice, now-- Ah? What? You got me something, already?"

Struggling back out of a somewhat suffocating grasp, Abel looked Ammy over again in that imposing new form. He - or she - didn't appear to be carrying anything. Maybe she meant she'd found something he might like? Regardless, his stomach was impatient enough to gurgle again without warning, making for an even further flustered Abel. "The scratches? Oh, they're all healed, now. That's right. But I would like something to eat right away."


celestial_okami August 13 2009, 18:28:07 UTC
"I did." Ammy grinned. "Close your eyes, and no peeking." Already she was reaching into her cloak to pull a box out of one of her astral pouches, but she wasn't about to open it until she was sure Abel wasn't looking. When she was absolutely positive he wasn't trying to peek, she lifted the lid.

"Open your mouth." Reaching into the box Ammy plucked a strawberry off the top of the strawberry cream cake, scooping up a large dollop of cream before offering it to Abel. She really hoped he'd like it.


falsicrimen August 13 2009, 19:11:48 UTC
It was a little hard to be passive and oblige the strange request when Ammy was drawing whole boxes out of nowhere. Certainly there wasn't room enough underneath that-- Abel stopped himself before he reached out to tug at the goddess' cloak and inspect for hidden pockets. He still didn't quite grasp that whole astral pouch business.

"Er. All right." With an inaudible sigh, Abel drew back a little, but did as he had been instructed. Perhaps he'd been blindsided by the sheer ridiculousness, the situation serving only to deepen his embarrassment. If someone came along and saw them..! ...Ah, well, he had been dreading that, anyway, hadn't he? And he was hungry.

The light scent of strawberries was too odd not to note (and he opened an eye a second before taking a bite), but the taste of cream in addition to the expected was a surprise. "Hey, what kind of cake is that?" He was only half-intelligible around a mouthful of fruit.


celestial_okami August 13 2009, 19:22:44 UTC
"Strawberry cream." Ammy said, her tail wagging as she turned the box and offered it to him. The top was a little odd looking, since she'd plucked the berry right out of the middle, but it smelled good enough to make her mouth water. It was Abel's cake though, so he got it first. She'd promised him a cake, and Ammy liked to keep her promises.


falsicrimen August 13 2009, 23:02:38 UTC
"Oh! Strawberries are... Some of my favorite!" A pause to swallow, so that he could speak clearly, and Abel held up his hands. He was hesitant to take the box, in spite of his obvious delight with its content. "Oh, but this is too much. I really can't accept--! Well maybe just a little. For now.

"Uh, because, you know- I think someone would be upset with me if I didn't have something more filling than just cake. Even in this place, I can tell it's no excuse."


celestial_okami August 13 2009, 23:23:23 UTC
"Mm, that's fine. I know where the restaurants and shops are, so I can take you there." Giving him the box, she tugged lightly on a strand of his hair. "Na, na. I won't tell anyone you ate it, and nobody's around to see, right? Come on."

She was the worst person to have around when someone needed convincing not to eat something. But she did agree, Abel needed to eat things other than sweets. "I found a shop that sells good teas as well, it's back this way."

Waving for him to follow, Ammy strolled down the hall. She always felt so lazy in this body, she didn't have the energy to keep up her usual brisk pace.


falsicrimen August 14 2009, 00:06:35 UTC
Holding it gingerly, Abel accepted the box. It felt rather odd to have such delicate hands - but, much to his internal chagrin, not that unpleasant. If nothing else, he could just rationalize it away on behalf of the bonus in grace he seemed to have taken with the switch. Even if his heels kept tripping him.

"H-Hey..!" He shrank back a little when Ammy tugged on his hair again, frowning in a fashion that could not hardly be misconstrued for honest anger. He would have reacted the same way had he still been physically male.

"Ah, a tea shop, too?" At that, Abel didn't hesitate to catch up, again quietly thankful. That slow pace could keep him from potentially face-planting into the present Amaterasu had brought all this way for him. "Maybe this place isn't as bad as I thought it was."


celestial_okami August 14 2009, 00:15:56 UTC
"Mm!" Ammy nodded, tail wagging. "I found it while I was looking for the cake. It seemed nice enough, but I didn't try it." Mostly because at the time, Ammy hadn't been in a form that did well drinking out of cups. An amused huff escaped her when Abel protested the tugging, and she gave him a gentle bump when he caught up.


falsicrimen August 14 2009, 00:31:53 UTC
Another ungainly squawk escaped him when he wobbled sideways, but Abel managed to not make a total fool of himself, just keeping his feet. "I-I'm sure it's just perfect," he reassured Ammy, relief dominating his tone. "But - please don't shove! I'm having trouble enough, looking like this."


celestial_okami August 14 2009, 00:40:03 UTC
"Eh? Really? If it's the shoes maybe you should take them off?" Ammy's nose wrinkled. She'd never been one for shoes. Mostly because she kept losing her geta when she ran. Or tripped on them when she tried running. Either way she'd found them to be far more of a hassle than was entirely necessary.

"I think you look cute." Her ears flicked forward as she smiled, even if it wasn't much of a stretch. Abel made a very pretty woman, and he was very handsome as a man. He simply had a horrible habit of doing things that ruined that mental image almost completely. But that was usually why Ammy found him funny.


falsicrimen August 14 2009, 02:47:55 UTC
"I - c-cute!?" Abel turned red again, clutching the bottom edge of the cake box with a look of bewildered offense splashed across his face. He still wasn't very intimidating, and more so now, with round and feminine tacked on to his repertoire of personal adjectives.

His boots wobbled again, beneath his feet, but he shook his head insistently. "No, no. I'll just keep them on until I learn how to walk like this. I can't very well go barefoot all week..." Technically they were indoors, so maybe a little of his concern was exaggerated. But it saved face to just duck the question, when he didn't feel like explaining the rest. Those boots reached up to mid-thigh.


celestial_okami August 14 2009, 03:35:08 UTC
"Mm!" She nodded, seeming rather pleased with herself. Reactions like that only further proved her point to herself. Abel was perfect to tease, he always had the best reactions. "But I think you look pretty either way, so it doesn't matter to me."

Ammy eyed the boots with a look of professional skepticism and shrugged. "If you say so. I don't know how you stand them, really."


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