Apr 20, 2012 10:53
Sam Winchester had been through a lot of crap over the course of his twenty-six years. He'd lost his mother, his father, his brother, his girlfriend. He'd been scratched, bitten, impaled, kidnapped, hunted, possessed, and even killed.
But he'd never gone to sleep in one bed to wake up in another.
Forcing his eyes open, Sam realized that he was definitely not in the room he and Dean had rented for the night. First of all, even Dean wasn't egotistical enough to rent a room covered in mirrors. Second, the bed and sheets were way too comfortable to be something the two of them could afford.
"Dean?" he called. He was relatively sure his brother hadn't been brought along, but it couldn't hurt to check. Dealing with weird crap like this was always easier with his brother at his side.
Rising slowly from the bed, Sam ran through a mental list of things that could have done this to him. The Trickster was the first creature that came to his mind, and he was instantly sure that he was right. Only a trickster could have created a room as tasteless and garish as the one he was standing in.
"Alright, douchebag!" he called, too distracted to notice his state of near complete undress. Whatever had put him here saw fit to strip him of everything but his boxers. "What's the game this time?"
OOC: Hey everyone! This is Sam Winchester from the series Supernatural. I pulled him from just after the end of season 4, when Lucifer's been popped out of the box and all Hell is breaking loose. Men only, please, and preferably dominant ones. Supernatural muses are love, but all are welcome. Feel free to tear into my Sammy. He can take it. I only ask that severe maiming, killing, and things that belong in the bathroom be left at the door.
pairing m/m,
series: supernatural