For once the hotel was being generous to Allen, least generous as it could be without letting him go. He didn't blame chance upon stumbling into this particular room. Not at all. Carrying a smirk and his left hand holding his hip, he over looked the delicacies across the table. Food, glorious food after he'd been hungry for so long. Enough that there was plenty for more than himself.
Which lead him to dragging along one of the few friends he had in the hotel.
"I'm telling you, it's actually something nice for once instead of...well, you know." He rambled waving Chie along. She would appreciate the buffet and sharing was much nicer than eating alone. Once inside the provided room he took to filling a plate high and setting on one of the less occupied tables.
"Don't know why, but after all I've been through it's a nice gift right?" It was an nice thought and certainly by hotel standards. However the thought was never just a thought there. There was always more to it.