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Rainbow Dash | My Little Pony | F/Open rainboomaviator December 22 2011, 07:34:50 UTC
Of all the things that could happen, this was the worst. Possible. Thing!

Well, not quite the worst. Rainbow Dash was sinking too far under the influence of aphrodisiacs to fully comprehend how screwed she was... or was going to be. She sat in a cage, a fury in her eyes that didn't match how unresponsive her body was. An injection of the hormone-arousing chemicals to the back of the neck was the cause of that. She couldn't remember who put her in the cage, or who put the spiked, red-leather collar around her neck and matching cuffs around her wrists and ankles. But she wasn't happy about it. Rainbow Dash didn't bend to anyone . What made her captors think she was about to do it now ( ... )


I have the weirdest ideas sometimes. buttershy December 22 2011, 18:31:57 UTC
As the bidding began, a strange noise came from outside.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

What it was, no one could figure out, so they decided to ignore it and continue with the auction, quite a few intrigued by the gorgeous, rainbow-haired girl with a fight in her eyes completely unmatched by her needy body language. The third bid had just come in when something hit the door.

And crashed right through it.

A huge, unstoppable force of nature tore through the auction house as stunned patrons desperately hurled themselves out of the way of a rampaging elephant. How had this happened? Where did the beast come from? Why was it so determined to break up the auction?

The answers, of course, rested with the pink-haired girl riding its head.

"GIVE HER BACK!" Roared an insanely angry Fluttershy. Of course, whether the auctioneers would have acqueiseced or not was probably moot, as the elephant swung down its great trunk and wrapped it around Dash, yanking her up and handing her off to Shy, who, with strength she should not have possessed, ( ... )


Just to let you know, that icon is terrifying. rainboomaviator December 22 2011, 19:20:44 UTC
Rainbow seemed to be the only one paying attention to the strange thumping noise outside. Her head darted left and right, eyes searching for the source. However within moments, the wall had come crashing in. The tomboy covered her head, flinching from the ground practically shaking and even some debris bouncing off the top of her cage. When she opened her eyes, though the cloud of dust needed time to clear, she saw an elephant.

Only the voice tipped Rainbow as to who was riding it. And boy, did her blood run cold.

"...shit, Flutter-rage." Rainbow swallowed nervously, before she was pulled from the cage with a yelp of surprise and handed off to Fluttershy. Rainbow didn't say a word, afraid to suffer some residual wrath her usually-quiet friend exhibited so rarely.

She merely nodded, and followed behind obediently.


That's why it's my favorite. buttershy December 22 2011, 19:45:20 UTC
A few of the auction guards tried to move to stop her, but one merciless glare from Fluttershy had them cringing back. Holding Rainbow's hand, she rushed through the halls, leading the way to the nearest elevator as the people milling about them fled at the sound of the trumpeting elephant still in the auction room.

"Stay out of my way!" She shouted, parting the few still in front of them with sheer force of will and rage. She dragged Rainbow through the resulting open path and straight to the elevator. Behind them, the sounds of panic were rising despite the efforts of the guards to calm things. Fluttershy couldn't have been happier with that in a certain morbid way.

As the doors of the elevator slid shut behind them, she punched in the number for her floor and immediately whirled on Dash, her eyes still locked in Stare mode.

"Are you all right?" The question came out much more forcefully than she'd intended.


Re: That's why it's my favorite. rainboomaviator December 22 2011, 22:35:46 UTC
Rainbow didn't know what to say. She had only experienced this twice: once at the Gala, and the other time during Discord's short-lived reign over Ponyville. Both times, she was scared clear out of her wits, which was pretty impressive considering what a scaredy-filly Rainbow just wasn't. But now, Rainbow felt her heart wanting to burst from her chest, her blood running cold, and when they finally escaped and Fluttershy turned to face her, glare still prevalent along her features, a scream rise in her throat.

"DON'T KILL ME!" Rainbow slammed one hand over her mouth to muffle out anymore stupidity she could possibly blow out, before taking that moment to breathe deeply. In and out, in and out. She smiled shyly at her friend.

"Yeah, I guess, I'm alright," she said. "Out of all the things that have happened today, that was the one thing I expected the least. Where the hell did you find an elephant in this place, Fluttershy?"


buttershy December 23 2011, 05:06:32 UTC
Well, she certainly hadn't expected fear out of Rainbow when they broke free... It took a brief moment before she realized why, and she schooled her expression into one of gentle concern. Her heart was still pounding from adrenalin, and with no proper target for it that was going to cause problems soon, but for now, everything was okay.

"Well, I found a circus and I thought Pinkie might be there, she wasn't, by the way, so I went in and I saw these cruel men beating the poor creature, so I broke him loose. Then I heard about the auction and someone bragging about how they'd caught some girl with rainbow hair and she'd definitely fetch a good price, and I knew it had to be you, and then, um... well then I thought of what they might be doing to you, and I... got mad."

Rainbow could probably figure the rest out.


rainboomaviator December 23 2011, 19:03:36 UTC
Hearing the hypothesis about Pinkie's location brightened her face, which was only dulled when it was proven she wasn't at the circus. The only two she hadn't come across were Pinkie Pie and Applejack, but she knew those two had to be wandering around the Hotel somewhere. Placing that dilemma on the shelf for another time, Rainbow continued to listen, only laughing when Fluttershy finished her explanation.

"Heh, well you did save my butt back there, 'Shy. Thank you." Smiling, she embraced her friend, making sure to keep it gentle so Fluttershy wouldn't break in her arms. As she pulled from the hug, she then looked down at herself. Her breasts looked as if they had been bound with the red ribbons tied around them, chest now nonexistent. Another set of ribbons had been wrapped around her crotch and darted around her thighs to keep the goods from being revealed. Letting out a sigh, eyes narrowing, she looked at Fluttershy and asked one thing:

"Uh, could you bring me to my room or give me some clothes to borrow?"


buttershy December 24 2011, 06:30:30 UTC
"You don't have to thank me, Rainbow. You know I wouldn't leave you there." Fluttershy hugged her oldest friend tightly, patting her back. When she pulled back, though... Shy wouldn't ordinarily have been ogling Rainbow, at least not all that much, but with the adrenaline still pumping through her veins, she wasn't quite thinking straight.

She tried to shake herself into sense. "Um, I think we passed your floor already... don't worry, I think one of my shirts should cover you nicely."

It wasn't an intentional disparaging of Rainbow's chest, but... well.


rainboomaviator December 24 2011, 18:14:26 UTC
Rainbow's eye twitched, but the smile remained solid. "Well, then let's get to your room then! Lead the way!" Her reply was almost immediate. However, the second Fluttershy turned tail to lead Rainbow to the elevator, Rainbow Dash provided the proper immature response: she stuck her tongue out, pouting with her arms crossed over her small chest.

This place pierces me in any place it wants, gives me a tattoo, and makes me a hot human, but I can't have huge tits? Oh fuck you, Love Hotel, this deal is pretty jank...


buttershy December 24 2011, 23:28:05 UTC
"Right, um... it's pretty high up. The elevator trip will be a while." She looked over her shoulder to offer an apologetic look and was greeted by the sight of Rainbow pouting. Tongue sticking out and everything.

Immediately her mind started thinking up uses for that tongue, and Fluttershy shook her head again. Lousy hotel. Lousy adrenaline rush. Lousy all of her friends being way too attractive for their (or her) own good.

She turned around, hoping not looking at Rainbow would help, and looked at the elevator display. Floor nine-thousand and counting... less than halfway there. And all the time ahead going to be spent with a half-dressed, drugged Rainbow and herself coming off an adrenaline high that was being converted into arousal.

Oooooh dear.


rainboomaviator December 25 2011, 03:24:13 UTC
Finding herself caught, Rainbow quickly retracted her tongue back into the cavern of her mouth, eyes wide like a deer just caught in a set of headlights, and cheeks still blushing. "Heh, sorry. Uhm, yeah I guess that's fine. I just need a shirt to borrow until I get back to my room -- it's getting kinda cold in this place..."

In reality, Rainbow couldn't feel the cold if she wanted to. The temperature in the Hotel was always warm, even if she was mostly naked, and the aphrodisiacs in her system made her feel even hotter. As she leaned against the elevator wall, she tried to avoid staring at Fluttershy. Being attracted to her in... that way, was just like being attracted to a young virgin: it made you guilty to feel that way. Even if she had had a kid, she still had an air of innocence to her that no one could match.

Damn these hormones. Damn them to hell.


buttershy December 25 2011, 04:05:03 UTC
"D-don't worry about that." Fluttershy answered. "My shirts are, ah... very warm." She looked down at the yellow sweater she was wearing and chuckled. Rarity'd told her she needed to fill out her wardrobe a bit more, but these were just so... comfy. And significantly less revealing than anything else in the hotel.

Which brought her mind back to what Rainbow was barely wearing...

"Um, h-how have you been? I haven't seen you in a while." She put in hurriedly, trying to keep the conversation going as a distraction.


rainboomaviator December 28 2011, 18:13:05 UTC
Rainbow chuckled innocently enough. "Yeah, your sweaters always seem pretty comfortable," she said with another shiver of her body. Hopefully they'd get their soon. The spells of a psychosomatic cold sensation due to not being clothed, coupled with the spells of ridiculous warmth, would short-circuit Rainbow's brain at this point, and she'd only be running on her hormones rather than common sense.

But then again, she had done that enough times in the Hotel. Just... out of choice.

Noticing Fluttershy's nerves, which only made her own spike just a bit, the tomboy shrugged. "Well, other than what happened today, I'm alright, I guess. The Hotel gets pretty damn weird around the holidays. Can't help but wonder who's gonna clear the snow and clouds outside when spring gets here..."

By now, she was just rambling, voice running a mile a minute.


buttershy December 31 2011, 22:03:16 UTC
"Maybe they'll ask you." Fluttershy murmured, thoughtfully. "You have the experience, and... if they offered you your wings back..."

Fluttershy trailed off there. She knew full well that Rainbow would do anything in return for her wings.


She shook her head desperately. It was rapidly becoming a losing battle to not just give in to what the hotel wanted of her. Were there drugs in the elevators? Or was it just her? She bit her lip and wondered, still refusing to look at Dash, because she knew, knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, that if she turned around now, she wouldn't have any control left.


rainboomaviator January 2 2012, 17:47:39 UTC
Rainbow let out a dreamy sigh, though shaky from how hard her heart impacted her chest from the aphrodisiacs. She learned that was what was left of the hope of getting her wings back. Just a dream. "Yeah, that'd be pretty damn swell," she said with a nod, her attention drawn to a strange look on Fluttershy's face.

It was all making sense. Both of them were heavily under the influence of the Hotel, and the worst part, they were stuck in an elevator, eyes not needing to look at the floor-reader for Rainbow to know that they were moving slower than usual and only halfway up.

That's when Rainbow got bold. She moved a bit closer to Fluttershy, slipping her fingers through the shy girl's hair, ending with a quick caress to her cheek. "Let me guess -- the Hotel got to ya?"


buttershy January 3 2012, 15:00:04 UTC
Fluttershy winced at the touch, but not out of fear or upset. The expression was from the effort of holding herself back. She turned to look at Rainbow finally, making absolutely sure to keep her eyes locked with her oldest friend's.

"It's pushing so hard... I'm not sure how long I can keep hold of myself."

Her tongue slipped out and moistened her lips. She barely noticed.

"I want... no, I need you. I'm sorry, Rainbow. I came to save you, but..."

Abruptly, her hands rose up and seized hold of Dash's shoulders, grabbing her and pushing her up against the wall with that same manic strength she'd picked her up with before.

"Now, I'm going to... love you."


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