Multiple Choice/BYOA

Dec 17, 2011 17:26

Something strange has been happening to Kanji for the past couple of days. No matter what clothes he puts on, every article ends up just disappearing off of him, slowly. Like the clothes were made out of some sort of material that dissolved on its' own! The frustration had equaled one angry underclassman since then, and a hungry one to boot. Unable to take not eating any longer, Kanji decides to throw on some clothes and risk it all!

Luckily, nothing happens on his way to go find something to eat. On his way back to his room nothing happens as well, though you seem to now be standing a foot or so from his door. He gives a nod--his silent, cool way of saying hello as he tries to make it to his door. He feels relaxed and energized to the max, but he doesn't want to be kept any longer just in case the clothes start getting all dissolv-y again. opt to say more than hello to him, so now here he is, standing in the hall with you. He looks a little jittery, ask him why? Either way they answer will be showing itself soon enough in your conversation....

So you've come into the dense, dangerous jungle to study animals eh? Specifically apes? Well, you're in luck! There's been sightings of them nearby, as well as rumors of a young wild man in naught but a loincloth! That's silly though...right?

Settle down in your camp for the night and find out!

So, you're fighting monsters with your friend Kanji Tatsumi and things seem to be going swell! You have access to your full abilities but end up getting surrounded by a group of enemies. You two barely do a good job of taking care of the baddies in part thanks to a weakness to your powers, if you have elemental sorts of ones. Thinking everything is good, you suddenly feel surprised to hear:

"Sh-Shit! Hey! Watch out!" The next thing you know you're being dropkicked (look it up!) out of the way--and Kanji takes a terrifyingly mortal blast from the monster that just popped up from around the corner in the hallway. He cries out in pain and falls silently to the floor. The monster quickly approaches you now, but it has no idea what it's done. Kanji looks badly hurt and limp, but you can see he's breathing, if barely!

It's time to show this monster what happens when it hurts your friends, but what about after? Can he be helped? Is he even still going to be...alive? Is it your fault for not paying attention?

After a nice, thorough work-out to himself, Kanji is ready to call it a day and take himself a nice, revitalizing shower. If he had a hot tub or whatever of some sort, he would use that instead, but he didn't really feel up to it either--sitting in his filth as it bubbled all around him did not sound very appealing. So he strips and hops into the shower, and as he takes to cleaning himself and working up a nice lather along himself, the walls start to go clear.

Now, to him, they aren't so. Why, even now as he's rinsing himself off he sees nothing but solid walls. You, however? You see the suds sliding down his toned, well-built frame, you see his ass, his cock, his--well, you see it all. So, you going to join in, surprise him whether he likes it or not? Or are you gonna just take a couple of more minutes to watch and see what happens?

Gonna leave these all open to whatever types--tentacle, beast-looking, and guys as well as ladies. Usually I flake on the m/m but every now and then I give it a try so I can't promise to follow through, but I'll do my best to. Non-con and dub-con for the different scenarios are perfectly fine. Also, if you want him to be "Jane" in the Tarzan and Jane scenario, just say so and it shall be done.)

pairing: m/*, series: persona 4

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