Slave Auction / Aphro'd

Dec 08, 2011 15:46

"I have to warn you, she's a bit of a handful." Glancing over his shoulder, the man in charge of this little slave auction operation warned his most recent customer. It had taken the breaking of three noses, one arm, a dislocated shoulder and a shattered kneecap to get this particular piece of merchandise ready ( Read more... )

series: tales of symphonia, pairing: f/m

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chrgin_my_sword December 9 2011, 09:34:50 UTC
He had heard, and not without doing some serious people killing discreet digging around, that a particularly feisty slave was being auctioned off. Of course, the smart fuckers had made sure it was done without a face to face meeting, because in the day and age of the internet, why would one do anything so completely unnecessary? So it cost him, after having gotten into the deep with the auction. But in the end, it was worth it ( ... )


indecisiveninja December 9 2011, 16:33:52 UTC
Sheena didn't budge at first, if anything all this talk about 'games' and 'hard mode' (whatever that was), only made her a bit more uneasy. Whose to say that the moment she did let him go, he wouldn't turn and do something to her?

She seriously contemplated going the alternative route and just knocking him out right now; just living him here while she went off to find the men responsible for this on her own. But then, she changed her mind and ever so slowly released the arm she had twisted behind him. The knife was next to leave him, if not a bit reluctantly.

She stepped away from him, stumbling just a bit as the drugs still pumping away throughout her system made everything suddenly tip violently to right for a minute, but she thankfully managed to catch herself. Keep it together, she told herself, raising her guard as she eyed this man suspiciously.

There was no telling just what this guy was up to.


chrgin_my_sword December 9 2011, 19:21:33 UTC
Well, at least she gave him the chance...eventually. She still didn't trust him a lick, and he figured it had less to do with the fact that he was wearing a trench coat and a trilby, and more with the fact that she just didn't recognize him. Though he took the hat and coat off all the same, just in case. Normally, he would have also taken a step back too, just in case she did try something else and needed to defend himself, but she was a ninja.

"Okay. you have any idea who I am?" Might as well figure out where to start.


indecisiveninja December 9 2011, 19:52:01 UTC
Up and down, she eyed him carefully. He didn't seem familiar to her in the slightest; even with his hat and coat gone.

"Should I know you?" Sheena liked to think she was fairly good at remembering people's names and faces. But no matter how hard she tried to think of who he could be, nothing was coming up.

He was a stranger to Sheena; a stranger who, by what she'd been able to gather, seemed to know her somehow. A fact that sent a few red flags up and made her even more suspicious of him.


chrgin_my_sword December 9 2011, 20:11:12 UTC
And as if he wasn't concerned how his every little movement might be interpreted as a potential threatening gesture, he brought a hand to his head and threw the other up in the air. It wasn't just because she was, in fact, not the same Sheena he had met here. It was also because he didn't even know where to fucking begin trying to explain it. And now that he had said something that alluding to knowing her, well...

"Well, it'd be nice. Save me a headache or two. Possibly make this whole thing easier." A sigh, and he shrugs. From the way she had staggered and the way she didn't look TOO steady, he really didn't have too much time to dwell.

"It's a long and fucked story, so we're gonna skip that part." And he made a brushing gesture with both hands to one side, before leaning forward and pointing at her. "The point is, I didn't just buy you so I could have super hot ninja sex." Though that would be nice.


indecisiveninja December 9 2011, 20:34:39 UTC
"Even if you had, I wouldn't have let you!" True, she wasn't exactly in top condition at the moment, but she could probably still smack him down before he had the chance. At least she hoped.

Everything was starting swirl and spin, she was starting to get a headache. What the hell did they inject her with?

"Then? Why did you buy me?"


chrgin_my_sword December 9 2011, 20:48:02 UTC
He had no doubt that Sheena couldn't give him a walloping when she was at top form, but like this? Even armed like she was, Travis didn't think he would have had too much trouble out maneuvering, disarming, and restraining her. And frankly, he'd really rather it didn't come to that.

"To get you away from them?" He said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world, rubbing the side of his head. "I mean, I would have liked to do the whole heroic rescue type thing, but these assholes were all cloak and dagger about selling you off."

And now he had to play the concerned card. "You're not gonna fall over or anything, are you? Conversely, if you do fall over, you're not gonna try and stab me if I try and catch you, are you?"


indecisiveninja December 9 2011, 21:03:23 UTC
"I'm fine!" That was a lie.

"I don't know how you know me, or why you're so concerned about me, but I could have gotten out of here on my own." That was also a lie.

She swayed a bit, still trying to keep herself upright; though it was proving a significant challenge right about now. "I didn't need--"

Her words trailed off as her vision suddenly went dark. The knife slipped from her fingers, clattering loudly as it hit the floor. She could feel herself falling forward but didn't have the strength to try and stop herself somehow.


chrgin_my_sword December 10 2011, 09:29:58 UTC
"Saw that coming." He quipped even as he was making his move. He wasn't even sure the knife had properly been dropped, and really he didn't care either. I mean, there were worse ways to die, right?

He dropped to a knee and threw an arm out, catching her around the waist before she ever got close to the ground. He really wasn't sure if this was gonna help his case or harm it, but he didn't exactly have the liberty of deciding that just now.

"Right. Bed or couch, you decide. Either way, you're winding up on one."


indecisiveninja December 10 2011, 19:04:38 UTC
It took a moment to realize that she wasn't on the floor where she had expected to end up, but resting up against someone. In the brief moment that her strength return, she tried to push him away.

"Neither!" Was her initial reply.

The drug, however, had other plans for her and after a moment, her attempts to resist him stopped as she slumped against him again. She really hated to admit it, but at this point she had no choice but to ask his help.

"...the bed, but don't you dare get any ideas!"


chrgin_my_sword December 10 2011, 19:12:46 UTC
"Really? Come on, just saying that is bound to give a guy ideas. It's like reverse psychology." He shot right back, gathering her up while preserving as much of her dignity as possible, and making his way towards the bed in the room they had been deposited in. Once there, he laid her down and backed away a step, giving her the once over.

"There, was that really so bad?"


indecisiveninja December 10 2011, 19:33:53 UTC
She didn't argue or try to fight, simply letting him carry her off.

It wasn't a long trip, as she soon felt herself back on the bed and watched him back away a bit. She still felt weak, but the headache she'd been having managed to subside just a bit and the world around her grew a bit more stable. She'd have to revamp her plan of escape later though.

"So, how do you know me anyways? I don't think I've met you before..."


chrgin_my_sword December 10 2011, 19:38:30 UTC
Travis wasn't an idiot. He knew where this could very likely go. And given her sudden dizzy spell, he figured it wasn't gonna be long before it took. He was going to need to make a good case for himself, and relatively soon at this rate.

He grabbed a nearby chair, dragging it over and dropping into it. "We've met." He rubbed his chin, trying to piece it together. "We've met, but I guess it was another you. If that makes any sense whatsoever. Helped, helped out of a bind then too." He shrugged.

"After that, we got friendly. True story."


indecisiveninja December 10 2011, 19:52:54 UTC
"Another me?" She might have seemed just a little surprised, but the look didn't last for very long. She took a moment to take everything in, not wanting to know what he meant by 'got friendly', before propping herself up from her laying position.

She sat with her back against the headboard, eyeing him carefully for a moment.

"Well, I have don't intend on doing anything like that with someone I just met, so you can get whatever thoughts about me out of your head!"


chrgin_my_sword December 10 2011, 19:58:36 UTC
"Yeah. Don't get too caught up in it, there's probably another me running around too. It's just this place."

Hey, he wasn't gonna deny it. They had themselves a good time and life was great. But he shrugged all the same at her response, before giving her a deadpan look from behind those shades of his. Even if she was close to the mark with what he was thinking, it wasn't entirely his fault. He knew what was in the air he was breathing.

"Oh, look at that, like a dozen new lewd and incredibly NC-17 thoughts have suddenly manifested in my noggin." And he knocked on the side of his head with his fist a few times, adopting a rather mocking look of horror. "Oh no, why would I even think of using a cucumber like that. Oh the horror, the travesty!"


indecisiveninja December 10 2011, 20:20:57 UTC
Grabbing the closes object she could find, Sheena through the pillow that had been idly resting by her side at his head. She knew he was making fun on this whole thing and wasn't the least bit amused by it.

"I'm being serious!" She huffed, her cheeks flushed a light shade of pink. She swung her legs over the side of the bed, pausing for a bit to prepare herself being moving to stand.

"I really don't have time for this. You can sit there and think about cucumbers all you want, I'm getting out of here."


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