Tender Loving Smut | The Second First Time | {BYOA}

Dec 06, 2011 20:37

It took a few prolonged moments for the princess to fully awaken, her eyes adjusting as she stretched out, before rolling off the bed to sit up. Once she had grabbed her robe from a nearby chair, she finally stood up, padding across the floor quietly, so as not to disturb the other person asleep in the room. Casting a glance over her shoulder, she smiled to herself before heading towards the bathroom, intending to wash up before thinking about what else to do for the day.

Amelia stopped in from of the sink, running her fingers through her hair as she prepared to push it back in order to wash her face properly. However, she was quickly distracted from her tired reflection, or any previous thoughts by the note taped to the mirror. Removing it, she quickly scanned through the contents, though found herself reading the words multiple times as her stomach tightened, eyes widening in shock. Her pale face was soon fairly rosy with colour, hand flying to her mouth to prevent herself from making any noise that would draw attention from her guest in the next room.

She had been given another 'gift' by the hotel apparently, one that made her glance down briefly at her body, her cheeks glowing red all the more. How they thought that allowing her 'the chance to relive a special moment' could be considered anything but embarrassing and frustrating was anyone's guess, but she supposed she was giving the place too much credit, believing there to be a semblance of reason or logic in the actions. Either way, despite every fiber of her being telling her that it was an impossibility, she figured they wouldn't send her a note to inform her of it. The hotel was blunt in the truth of what they did after all.

Of course, there was one way to be sure...

Shaking her head feverishly, she quickly crumpled the piece of paper and stuffed it into the pocket of her robe, unaware a corner could be seen sticking out. Needless to say she was far too distracted by how flustered she was becoming at the implications of what was to come, when she had the courage to face it. Quickly trying to put the horror of the scenario at the back of her mind, she retreated back into the main room, wondering if her companion was awake yet or not.

[ooc: So yeah, who wants some silly fluff in helping Amelia lose her virginity again? Feel free to establish any reason as to why your character is asleep in her room. It doesn't have to mean they slept together the previous night, as considering how she is, they might have just dozed off talking, or she invited them in as a helpful gesture of some kind. Men and women both welcome, past CR and castmates encouraged, since they will likely have an easier time bringing her around for this, but I certainly am not against new people joining in. Apart from the usual no's of bathroom/gore/death kinks, anything is fine, just PM me if you're not sure about something.~ Fair warning, tags will be spaced out as I work on an essay, but I'll get to them, don't worry.]

pairing: f/f, pairing: f/m, series: slayers

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