The Love Hotel Online: Open Beta || Aphro depends on situation

Dec 01, 2011 13:16

It didn't take long for the simple project to become a notorious one. A guild, little more than just a gathering of like minded players, soon turned into a properly large entity. An entity that reached into the various towns that this game had, and would undoubtedly spread as time continued. And while the guild had a proper name, there was a very ( Read more... )

pairing: m/*, series: no more heroes

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heirtoyamato December 3 2011, 04:25:52 UTC
Nero didn't belong to any guild. That just meant you had to follow pointless orders and get along with others and wait for the proper party to be formed before you could storm a dungeon and thrash up monsters. Not exactly her cup of tea. Oh she'd tried it all right. But after blatantly disregarding senior members for the umpteenth time she'd been requested to seek a guild elsewhere ( ... )


chrgin_my_sword December 3 2011, 07:40:53 UTC
Now, there were quite a few different types of people in the room when the sudden and snazzy dramatic entrance took place. They ran the gauntlet of looks, from big and bulky and covered in armor, to slim and busty with practically nothing. A hand full of them had masks on, all featureless and all for the one wearing shades over top. And he happened to look the most plain of all otherwise ( ... )


heirtoyamato December 4 2011, 00:06:35 UTC
"Ha ha ha. You're a really funny guy Mr. King, aren't ya?" Nero ignored the commotion being made by the rest of the room's occupants. She didn't really give a shit about those mooks. Small fries were of no concern whatsoever to her. All she cared about was the big boss. And she was positive it was this dork wearing the shades over his mask.

"I don't belong to any damn guild," she grinned and hefted her absurdly huge sword up, pointing it right at the (obviously) smirking man (almost decapitating a random guild member in the process who was getting just a liiiittle too close), "I'm here to have a PvP with you. And after I'll be taking some of your guild's best loot. Hope you don't mind."


chrgin_my_sword December 5 2011, 00:53:44 UTC
Now while he certainly did not look the part of the big hot shot guild leader, Crownless was certainly the cock of the walk. His level was high, almost ludicrously so, and while his armor might look bottom rung, it was stacked with abilities that accentuated his hard and fast style of fighting. After all, there was no reason to defend if your opponent couldn't hit you.

"You. Wanna fight me..." He even pointed between the two of them in turn. "And you're gonna use something you stole from a construction site to do it? Well shit, I admire your balls." He made no move to pull out his weapons, instead leaning forward and making as if to give her a good look.

"I'll accept your challenge, but if we're gonna PVP, we're doing it by the guild rules and reward system."


heirtoyamato December 5 2011, 02:46:33 UTC
Nero had been playing the game long enough to know even the most unassuming looking armor and weaponry could be surprising, so she figured she was ready to take anything this guy could dish out, she wasn't any slouch herself either.

She snorted at the insult to her sword. It might have been huge but she invested ridiculous amounts of her level up bonuses into her strength. She could swing the mammoth blade around here just as easily as she could in real life as well.

"Since you're the one being challenged you get to set the rules anyways," she shrugged, "Not like it'll make any fucking difference at all."


chrgin_my_sword December 5 2011, 02:50:58 UTC
"Your call, but that was your only chance to back out." And the guys and girls making the audience seemed to enjoy that, laughing and immediately starting to talk about bets and the such. It didn't bother or matter to Travis though.

"Simple concept. If you win, you get to take any one thing you want. It's yours, blah blah blah, mount on your wall, tell all your friends. Same thing if I win, only it becomes guild property. So some brute might just get that silly slab of metal of yours." No, he had much better intentions than just that, but no reason to fill her in too quickly.

"No ifs, no ands, no buts. Any one thing, regardless of what that one thing is, and to be honored without question. Got it?"


heirtoyamato December 5 2011, 03:00:20 UTC
"I'm the one challenging you. I'd look seriously lame if I was the one who backed out," she rolled her eyes, and put her free hand on her hip. Who did he think she was anyways? "Those conditions are fine with me."

They were fairly standard rules. Having to replace her weapon or some of her other equips if she lost would suck, but she had other swords and accessories and armor. Not that she was planning on loosing here. Oh not at all. She was gonna wipe the fucking floor with this Crownless dude.

"Blah blah blah, let's just fucking dance already."


chrgin_my_sword December 5 2011, 03:03:12 UTC
"Technically, you're actually look pretty fucking smart. Seriously, you think you're the only piece of work to challenge me? Mind you, you're the first to come through the window." But enough was clearly enough, and behind that mask of his he was smiling with ever such wickedness.

He reached for his weapons, and twirling them in hand, pointing them at the intruding bitch and letting her stare in fear of his...elongated flashlights? The fuck?

"Ready when you are, sweetie."


heirtoyamato December 5 2011, 03:20:59 UTC
"Tch, and if you think you're the first windbag guild leader I've mowed down you've got another thing coming to you," she snarked back. But the rest of her snark would have to wait. Because shit was now about to go down. Thank god some of those other guild members actually had the sense to back off a little and give them some room to fight.

"Oh fuck you," Nero snarled. She really didn't like being called things like 'sweetie'. She adjusted her grip on her sword and just like that charged at him. Speed was her second best stat, and she was an all or nothing type of fighter. The best way to judge his strength and speed (at least to her) was a no holds barred strait attack with everything she had. That wasn't to say she didn't have any tricks up her sleeve though.


chrgin_my_sword December 5 2011, 03:25:20 UTC
There was a certain kind of game plan to Crownless' style. It revolved around speed and offense, yes, but it also incorporated an element of griefing. Piss someone off enough, and they'll just try to cream you. It leaves them all kinds of open, and for a guy like Crownless, that was as good as a death sentence.

He'd give her a workout, let her swing that thing around, hopefully surprise him. For now, he was just gonna work her nerves, poke her buttons, undermine her and do whatever it took to drive her up the wall. He didn't make a move, or even do anything with his "weapons". He just waited for her to make the first attack, which he would then sidestep, or duck, or roll away from. When he was ready to start attacking back...she'd know.

"So now you wanna fuck me? What happened to fighting?"


heirtoyamato December 5 2011, 03:51:29 UTC
"Oh yeah, that's real original. Never heard that one before. Smartass," she scoffed. She was honestly more annoyed with him hopping around and generally avoiding her and doing nothing in the way of counter attacks. Normally people with better speed stats didn't bug her, but this was just seriously ridiculous.

"Dammit, what are you, a fucking rabbit?"

Frowning she decided to change things up. Clearly the usual swings and stab attacks weren't working. But she had several nifty special moves at her disposal. And once he was at just the right distance she swung the massive sword and a crescent shaped slice of energy exploded out it's length.


chrgin_my_sword December 5 2011, 03:56:10 UTC
"What, I couldn't make that out. Your lips are moving as slow as your sloppy swordsmanship is." He shot back without missing a beat, and still having only those metallic things out. He'd done nothing to try and stop her onslaught, instead using it to piss her off and to see where she was blind.

Then she decided to stop whipping out the skills. And really, at that point, it was only fair he did the same. So when it hit, and it did hit, he was gone. Vanish into a poof of smoke. Only to appear off to the side, with but a sliver of damage to his health.

"Ooh, lemme guess, you use that to make the children happy, right? I mean, clown work is the only way you got the money to buy that chunk of metal, isn't it?" Even his skills were designed to dodge around someone.


heirtoyamato December 5 2011, 20:43:56 UTC
If only she could Trigger in the game...! She was certain she could have turned him into a pancake by now. Alas she was stuck with the game restricted skill sets. Though usually those were plenty to take care of any opponent. Apparently not Crownless here though. He was really beginning to grate on her nerves.

"Shut up!" the hybrid snarled. If swordplay and energy attacks weren't working she had one last thing to fall back on. Her affinity for wrestling and grappling translated well into the game world and she'd used it surprise opponents before. She had a good feel for his rhythm by now, and this time when she swung, her free hand darted out, hoping to yank her opponent into close combat before he could get too far away.


chrgin_my_sword December 5 2011, 20:58:04 UTC
Oh this was getting better and better, and he hadn't even properly started to fight her yet. She was about to find out that she wasn't the only one that enjoyed a good grapple. Never mind all hotel had long since provided him, back home he had learned wrestling from the very best.

He was grabbed, and for a moment seemed to freeze in place...before tossing one of the flashlight type objects into the air and twirling himself around and under, reversing the grab quick as can be. And to add insult to injury, he made his first proper move. Trying to bop her on the forehead with the flashlight type thing he was still holding.

"Look, honeycakes, you're just gonna have to step your game up here. I mean really, you can't follow up an entrance like that with this weak old shit."


heirtoyamato December 5 2011, 21:51:46 UTC
"You ain't seen nothing yet."

Yeah the fact that his first actual attack consisted of a head bop wasn't sitting too well with the white haired girl. Dude knew how to push aaaall her buttons it seemed. All of them.

She'd dropped her sword at some point in the scuffle, but this close it wasn't gonna help her much anyways. She just growled and wrapped her arms round his waist. If only she could get him off balance juuust enough so she could get the right footing. A good old fashion supplex was probably just what the doctor ordered.


chrgin_my_sword December 6 2011, 00:21:19 UTC
Well now that she would hit and quite so. Crownless was tough and fast, but she did have the higher strength stat. Sure enough, his balance was lost and his world going for a quick trip to the land of ouch and inverted. She had good form...he would have to admit that. He groaned at first, but soon began to laugh, only one hand (his empty one) still holding onto her in some form.

"So, the guild leaders you've iced. You know noob guild leaders still count as noobs, right?" Even after the suplex, he was still going for her buttons.


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