Megaporn Engineering | Heavy Aphro | Locked to misamisal

Oct 28, 2011 12:44

He never thought he'd like working at Argeneau Enterprises, but Lyon had to admit that it was actually pretty cool. Being a member of the founding family certainly helped. He'd been able to skip the whole "start at the bottom" thing and had even been given his very own Personal Assist. A really hot personal assistant. One with beautiful blonde ( Read more... )

series: argeneau family, series: original character

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anotherargeneau November 5 2011, 17:38:04 UTC
His cock jumped under Misa's teaching touch, making Lyon squirm in his seat as he reached down to retrieve his slacks and shoes. "Quiet you," Lyon replied in an equally soft whisper, giving Misa a mock glower. "If Bastien sees you there in your underwear we're both screwed." Lyon then pushed his chair back and stood up, forgoing his boxers in his rush to get dressed. He was in such a hurry that he even forgot to zip up his fly. It was noticeable only to Misa however, and even then only because she was being treated to a close-up view of his groin.

"Sorry Bastian," Lyon called out as she tucked in his shirt and turned on his computer screen. "I was working on something and just wanted really focus on it." Hurrying across the room, Lyon unlocked the door for his cousin and ushered him inside. "So what's the problem? Something look funny on the TPS reports?"

"It's not so much what's in them as what's on them." At Lyon's confused look Bastion rolled his eyes and motioned towards Lyon's desk. "You'd better sit down. This might take a while." Groaning mentally Lyon nodded and returned to his seat, taking care not to hit Misa with the chair's rollers as he pulled it towards his desk. Similarly, he kept his knees open and positioned them to either side of Misa's head, doing his best to give her as much breathing room as possible while trying not to squish her against the inside of the desk's front panel.


misamisal2 November 5 2011, 18:52:28 UTC
Holding her hand over her mouth, Misa giggled silently to herself at his words and the fact that he forgot to zip up his pants. She wondered if the man coming in would notice and if he'd comment on it at all.

Of course, hearing that this little meeting might take a while, Misa rolled her eyes in annoyance, but smiled at the thought that Lyon was probably even more upset. When he sat down, however, with both his legs on either side of her head, Misa grinned. Perhaps this was a good time to pay him back for the teasing he did earlier, making worry so much!

Slowly, Misa's hands slid up his legs, over his inner thighs and to his crotch. Teasingly, she traces his cock, grinning up at him wickedly from under the desk, should he peek down at her. Her expression is silent but it should probably speak loud and clear; "payback time!"

((ooc: I looked at the TPS abbreviation and thought, "I've seen that so much, what does it mean? I forget..." Of course, with the license plate game, I immediately thought, "Typical Petty Shit Reports," and lol'd. :3))


anotherargeneau November 6 2011, 21:42:59 UTC
It was hard to maintain a placid expression as Bastion handed him a copy of his department's latest TPS report. Lyon hated paperwork at the best of times, and with a hot, nearly-naked blonde nestled between his legs he loathed it more than ever. When that same blonde began to slide her hands up his legs his composure nearly cracked, but with an effort of will Lyon managed to hang on to his outward appearance of calm. There was nothing he could do about the return of his erection, but thankfully his desk hid it from view.

"If there's a problem with the cover on the TPS report why don't you take it up with Bill? He's the one responsible for them." Bastion held Lyon's gaze for a moment before replying with something like sarcasm.

"I would, but it seems that someone sent him home for the evening." The elder Argeneau looked meaningfully at Lyon for a few moments more before tuning his attention back to the report. Lyon took the opportunity to risk a glance at Misa, and when he did her mischievous expression told him he was in trouble. He just had time to shake his head in warning before he was forced to look at Bastion again. He hoped Misa would take the hint and behave until his cousin left, but something told him that was highly unlikely.

[OOC: I stole the concept of TPS reports from the awesomely funny (and eerily realistic) movie "Office Space." I thought it would be appropriate for the office environment we're using in this thread. :) ]


misamisal2 November 8 2011, 01:16:00 UTC
Hearing the conversation between the two had Misa silently laughing under the desk. When she saw Lyon shake his head at her, her grin stayed in place and she nodded before gently running the very tip of her tongue over the head of his length.

It would be interesting to see how Lyon would handle this. Misa's cheeks flushed and she shivered lightly at the thought of him "punishing" her afterward for doing such a thing. She knew something like that would likely come up. Still, if he were unable to control himself, how would he stop his cousin from finding out? How would he get him out of the room?

((ooc: I've only seen clips of Office Space here and there, I totally need to bring it out and watch it. Also, Albedo-mun is totally up for the threesome! Here's his profile: He might be messaging you in the future, or you can message him if you like. I suggested that maybe we could use the school meme as the setting for our thread. :3 ))


anotherargeneau November 8 2011, 16:32:25 UTC
Any hope that Misa would be a good girl and just sit there quietly while Bastion was in his office was quickly crushed. Her mischievous grin alone was enough to tell him he was doomed, but when Misa teased the head of his cock with her tongue he knew he was in serious trouble. He had to fake a cough to cover the groan of pleasure that tried to force itself out of him in the wake of it, which Bastion thankfully ignored. He was sure Misa had noticed the way his cock had twitched as she'd licked him though, and he had a feeling that she was quite willing to use that reaction against him.

He was so focused on what Misa might be up to that he almost missed his cousin's remarks about the Argeneau Enterprises logo. "So what? Who cares if our logo is in the upper left instead of the upper right? It's there. Isn't that what's important?"

For once Bastion gave Lyon a sympathetic look. "I actually agree with you, but a crisp, clear, and consistent presentation is unfortunately vital to the running of a large corporation like Argeneau Enterprises. If the cover of every report is different from every other report then people might think we don't have across-the-board internal processes. Even the illusion of that kind of disorder can be a detriment to a company like ours."

[OOC: Office Space is a fantastic movie, even if it does mirror my work life a little too closely at times. XD And that's awesome news from Albedo's mun! They're more than welcome to PM me whenever they want to start setting things up. Maybe we can get the threesome thread up and running once you've hit your school break.]


misamisal2 November 9 2011, 17:04:18 UTC
It was strange to have the upper hand in a situation like this but Misa certainly was having fun with the opportunity. The way Lyon's cock jumped at the feeling of her tongue and how he coughed to cover up his pleased noise had her laughing silently, her hot breath flowing over his length in short bursts.

Hearing the conversation overhead, Misa hoped Lyon would simply agree to redo the paper work and shoo Bastion out of his office quickly so they could get on with this. In an attempt to hurry things along, Misa ran her tongue over the very tip of his cock, focusing on the small opening at the tip before silently taking just the head in her mouth. Gently suck his flesh, she rolled her tongue on the underside before massaging just under the head in small circles.

((ooc: Hahaha, that sounds like it must be awful! ;) And that sounds great! I'll let you two know when my break starts so we can get things started. >:3))


anotherargeneau November 9 2011, 18:51:03 UTC
Feeling Misa's warm breath on his stiff member wasn't too bad, and if she'd kept it to that he might have been able to relax a little, but she didn't. Instead the wicked little minx decided to torture him again with another lick to the most sensitive area of his body. Lyon gritted his teeth as he squirmed in his seat, wishing he could slip his hands under the desk and grab Misa's hair to make her stop teasing him. He couldn't do it without making Bastion suspicious though, so he did his best to ignore what the little blonde was doing to him and just focus on trying to get Bastion to leave.

At the same moment he opened his mouth to respond to his cousin's remarks Misa wrapped her lips around the head of his cock and began to suck on it, forcing another fake cough out of him. She seemed determined to drive him crazy, and she was succeeding admirably. She was also doing an impressive job of getting him worked up, and not long after she started sucking on him Lyon felt his cock get even thicker and harder than it already was. That meant he needed to get rid of Bastion, and soon, or he was going to have to try and fake being calm while he orgasmed, which he knew he'd never be able to pull off.

"I'll take care of it first thing in the morning. Okay Bastion?" Lyon's voice held a note of strain. "I have something really important I need to take care of right now."


misamisal2 November 9 2011, 19:04:03 UTC
It was a wonderful feeling to be able to do this to her boss. Misa felt like the boss, herself! The way he squirmed and continued to force out coughs, trying to cover up his arousal from the other man had her grinning as much as she could given her current task.

Noticing that Lyon's length had suddenly swelled in her mouth, Misa pulled back, opting trail her fingers up and down the underside of his length. The way he spoke to Bastion had her covering her mouth with her free hand to keep from laughing. Honestly, the way he spoke made seem like he had to use his office's bathroom rather quickly. Misa wondered what Bastion would think was happening to Lyon and whether he'd leave immediately or not.

Of course, a thrill went through her at the thought of what would happen once the other man did leave. After all, Misa had certainly teased Lyon to the point where he almost came in front of a coworker, not to mention that he tried to get her to take it easy. Somehow she knew she would be in for some punishment once they were alone and Misa couldn't deny how much she was looking forward to that.


anotherargeneau November 9 2011, 20:04:00 UTC
Lyon bit back a sigh of relief when Misa stopped sucking on him. He knew he was still in trouble though when she began running her fingers along his cock. If she kept that up he was going to lose it, perhaps not as fast as if she was still going down on him, but even so it wouldn't be long before an orgasm became inevitable. And if Bastion was still sitting across from him when that happened the consequences would be disastrous. Thankfully the elder Immortal seemed satisfied with Lyon's offer to fix the TPS reports in the morning and began to gather up his things.

"See that you do Lyonel. Those reports need to be published company-wide by Friday, so they need to be submitted to the print office no later than Noon tomorrow." Bastion then got up to leave while Lyon remained glued to his seat. No way was he getting up, not with his manhood standing stiff and erect with what felt like precum gathering at its tip.

"Of course Bastion. I'll send you an e-mail as soon as I've fixed the reports."

"Good. I'll talk to you tomorrow then." Bastion opened the office door and started to leave, then paused to say over his shoulder, "Maybe you should take some time off yourself. You seem a little tense..." With that Bastion finally left, leaving Lyon alone with his mischievous assistant. He immediately reached down to fist his hand in Misa's hair, holding her firmly in place as he glared down at her. When he finally spoke there was a hint of amusement in his voice that let Misa know he wasn't nearly as mad as he looked.

"You are in so much trouble Misa! Bastion would have killed us if he'd discovered you under my desk, especially if he'd caught you playing with me." Lyon paused briefly and then added with a wicked smile, "But we'll deal with your bad behavior later. Right now you need to finish what you started." He then used his hold on Misa's hair to coax her head down towards his straining cock, clearly intending for her to take him into her mouth once more.


misamisal2 November 10 2011, 03:06:14 UTC
Misa tried her best not to laugh too loudly. After all, Bastion could still be nearby. However, Lyon's expression and words after all that had happened was absolutely amusing. The forcefulness was intensely arousing as well so when he ordered her to continue and moved her head by a fistful of hair, she quickly obliged.


With a grin just as wicked as his smile, she quickly took him back into her mouth, but this time she plunged all the way to the base. Moaning loudly around his length, she stays there for a moment before slowly pulling back, sucking harder with each inch. Misa was clearly doing her best to get him off as quickly as possible. After all that teasing, he certainly deserved some relief.


anotherargeneau November 10 2011, 15:56:02 UTC
Misa's laugh was infectious, and Lyon was hard pressed not laugh right along with her. The whole thing had been rather ridiculous. But at least Bastion was gone and he was finally alone with his sexy little assistant. He was glad it didn't take much to encourage Misa to go down on him again, because he was tired of waiting for release and not in the mood for any more teasing.

It seemed that she felt the same, because Misa did more than just suck on the head of his cock again. Instead she swallowed him completely, enveloping his hard length from base to tip, enveloping him in a wet warmth that had him cursing softly through clenched teeth. His testicles immediately tightened in response, and when Misa started to lift her head, sucking him for all she was worth, Lyon knew he only had seconds left.

"I'm gonna lose it Misa," he warned as his other hand slipped down to grab her hair alongside the first. "Shit..." Lyon's hips lifted as his cock started to jerk and spasm, pulsing against Misa's lips as bursts of hot, sticky semen spilled into her mouth.


misamisal2 November 10 2011, 19:40:55 UTC
When Lyon's other hand came down to join the first Misa couldn't help moaning around his length. The sight must have been incredibly arousing and she vaguely wished she could see it but she was more than content knowing she was the one creating this, doing this to him.

When he warned her and lifted his hips, Misa readied herself as best she could but she still was a bit unprepared for the amount of cum that filled her mouth. Quickly swallowing, she began to move her mouth over his cock, stroking him all through his climax and swallowing every drop.

When she was sure her boss was done, Misa slowly pulled back and stared up at him with a smoldering, half lidded gaze.

"Fuck, you came so much."


anotherargeneau November 10 2011, 20:47:02 UTC
Feeling Misa's lips sliding along his cock as he came made him shudder and curse softly as his pleasure spiked even higher. His fingers clenched and unclenched rhythmically in her hair as he rode out his orgasm, and by the time it was all over Lyon was panting faintly. He was pleased to note that Misa had swallowed every last bit of his cum, and it showed in his face as he met her hooded gaze.

"I'm not surprised. That felt amazing Misa." Lyon stroked her hair affectionately and just looked at her for a moment. He couldn't believe his luck - not only was Misa a good P.A., but she was hot, liked having him fuck her, and gave fantastic blow jobs. He was so going to take advantage of those last two as often as possible.

"But you're still in trouble." Lyon pushed his chair back and hauled Misa out from under his desk. He took care not to hurt her, but he made sure she had no choice in the matter either. "I want those panties off and you sitting on my desk with your legs spread nice and wide for me. Right now."


misamisal2 November 10 2011, 21:09:20 UTC
The affection to her hair was strange, but not unwanted. Lightly, she leaned into the touch. It felt nice, like she was being appreciated for a job well done. Misa thought it might seem a little silly to others to think that way and a small blush came to her cheeks as Lyon stared at her.

When she wad dragged out from under the desk, Misa made a small, surprised sound. His words were incredibly arousing and she found herself becoming wetter. She had already gotten very wet from sucking him off and now her panties were bound to have a large damp spot. Misa quickly did as she was ordered and sat on the edge of his desk. Pulling her legs up it was indeed obvious how wet she was, even through her panties. Slowly, she lifted her hips and slid her panties down legs. After just a moments thought, she tossed the damp material at his face with a grin, spreading her legs wide on his desk, feet planted on the edge.


anotherargeneau November 10 2011, 22:08:12 UTC
Lyon began shedding his clothes as Misa climbed onto his desk. They wouldn't hinder his current plans but he figured it was better to get rid of them now than have to do it when he was wanting to fuck Misa again. And that was something he was very much determined to do before either of them left his office again. Seeing her perched on his desk in only her underwear and a pair of high-heels only reinforced that desire.

He was down to his shirt by the time Misa's panties came flying at him, and he stopped messing with the buttons long enough to snatch the damp garment out of the air. The state of her panties told him that she got turned on by either giving head or by being ordered around - or both - all of which just made her more desirable in his mind. Grinning, Lyon tossed Misa's panties aside and finished removing his shirt.

"If you keep being naughty I'll make you go home without your underwear." There was a gleam in Lyon's silvery-blue eyes that said it wasn't an idle threat. "But first things first." In a flash Lyon was standing right in front of Misa, his waist between her open legs and his hand once more holding on tightly to her hair. "Time for your punishment." Without warning Lyon shoved two fingers between Misa's folds and deep into her core. He then began to pump her vigorously as he captured his lips in a crushing kiss.


misamisal2 November 10 2011, 23:02:12 UTC
Watching Lyon strip down was incredibly hot and Misa found her walls twitching. When he actually caught her panties, Misa was surprised but her grin stayed in place. Before she could retort something in response to his threat, she felt his fingers invade her and without missing a beat thrust into her repeatedly. Misa's loud, gaspy moan was muffled by the kiss. Still, she was able to pull back long enough to speak.

"Ah, you'll have to teach me quite a lesson if you really want me to stop being naughty."

Sliding her hands into his hair, she she grips and tugs on the locks, pulling his head back to suck and nip at his throat. Laughing against his skin, she slowly licks a line up his flesh.

"As for the panties, keep them as a trophy. And if you keep doing that, I'll ruin your desk!"

Already, her wetness was dripping over his fingers and her skin, coming dangerously close to dripping onto the top of the desk beneath her.


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