Oct 18, 2011 09:08

Special Setting Event
Banoi Island, circa 2011 - ZOMBIE OUTBREAK
( WARNING: Post contains graphic zombie photos. Might induce retching and/or terror. )

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...

The walking dead have invaded the Royal Palms Resort and what started earlier last week as the Hotel spoiling its loyal guests has turned into a nightmarish mystery with fatal consequences. That down-on-her-luck actress you met the other day by the pool? She's having no problems being cast in the next raid the zombie horde is about to run on the bungalows. That has-been rockstar you had dinner with the other evening in the hotel's upscale, 5-star restaurant? He's currently dining on one of the uptight security guards over at the gas station. The reanimated corpses stalking Banoi Island vastly already outnumber the living and the survivor population keeps rapidly dwindling as this unexplained epidemic sweeps across once pristine white sandy beaches.

Band together or divide and be conquered? That choice could mean the difference between life and death. Got your map still? Good. You're going to need it to survive this time, because help isn't coming and it's literally man eat man out there. The blood-soaked shore is infested with the zombies gnawing through the bathing suits of what are the unfortunate guests they've managed to get their rotting hands on and some of them even seem to be giving the waters a go too in their mindless hunt for flesh. Don't bother trying to reason with these shambling folks, because while the lights seem to be on upstairs, there's definitely nobody home anymore. Unless you just happened to have a shotgun handy, 'better grab the nearest blunt object and start swinging your way to safety because one bite and they've gotcha! It never hurts to remember the cardinal rules either.

Hopefully none of them will make it through the teleporter and be transported inside the main Hotel building. That could get ugly real fast...

Featured Events
Safehouse - Banoi Island

Where were you when the outbreak started? If you were lucky, you were indoors, but if you were actually enjoying the little piece of heaven on earth that was Banoi before the undead hit, you were probably outside under the sun. With the horde attacking, we hope you've been working on your cardio lately because you need to run for your life and find some place to hide out in safely for a while. If you and whoever you've run into on the way need to take the edge off from the adrenaline rush, well... the zombies are efficiently blocked out for now, right? There's no time like the present with certain death hanging over your head. Carpe diem!

Altruism - Room 10,633l (Thank you, sneakylilminx!)

You have an overwhelming urge to give someone - anyone - an orgasm, and will attempt to so do with the first person you lay eyes on. It doesn't matter if they're a total stranger or a gender you aren't normally attracted to, you won't be happy until you've made them happy. Several times. In fact, the only way you'll stop trying to get them off is if they manage get you off instead. That might take some convincing though, since you're in such a giving mood that your own needs just don't seem that important.

Dead Alive - ...everywhere!!
Fever, body shakes, disorientation, slurred speech, and a lack of ability to concentrate on, oh, anything? You've caught the epidemic! The good news: you're not a stinking bonebag of decaying meat. The bad news: your brain is, for all intents and purposes, gone. The term "one-track mind" rings a bell, but then, you're not too concerned about that or much else, because the only instinct driving you still is the sex drive. You might be actually shuffling about or you might be one of those crazy fast zombies, but however you get around, your only interest is getting around. Those unable to fend you off - or simply don't know any better - will likewise be turned. Is there a cure for zombieism? Maybe we don't really need one if this is to be the newest popular breed of zombies?

Featured Meme

The player-run THREAD WITH SOMEONE NEW meme is back! Now 20% cooler with the JUST TALK IT UP twist! Whether you're shy about throwing your characters at some poor unsuspecting victim fellow player, or looking for something specific, this meme is the right place for you. It's the perfect opportunity to break the ice and get mingling! Head on over and say hello. Hey, while you're there, fill out the prompt form and post it on the thread so others can see whatchu workin' with.

Meanwhile, this week's official meme is the ORGY meme! You read that right - the Orgy Meme. It's one wild time of threadjacking and multiple partner sex over there. One part mid-fuck scenes, two parts exhibitionism, three parts voyeurism, prepare to throw down and have fun. Aphro and clothing optional, as always.


Apologies again for the event post being late! This event is geared towards building CR, as has been requested by many of our players, but of course there are still plenty of opportunities for those more interested in the usual fare. Have fun and have a great week!


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