No Event - Medium Aphros

Oct 15, 2011 13:06

1:51 A.M.The apartment was dimly-lit and quiet, save for the patter of running water, shortly cut off by the squeak of the turning faucet. Chun-Li wrung the water out of her long hair before stepping onto the fluffy mat laid out next to the shower stall. An old yellow towel was wound around her body, another being scrubbed through her hair before ( Read more... )

pairing: f/m, series: street fighter, pairing: f/x

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demonicgene October 17 2011, 20:07:07 UTC
The foothold that had been established had used the name Shadaloo primarily because of the connotation it held within the circles of New York's criminal underground. However, the true origins of the recent encroachment belonged to a corporation - G Corp. - that had been steadily expanding its influence for years. They were rivaled only by the Mishima Zaibatsu in terms of sheer size, and likewise their illegal movements were challenged by the Zaibatsu as well ( ... )


lightningkick October 17 2011, 20:16:53 UTC
Her fingers stilled for just a moment on the keyboard, the only sign that he'd managed to surprise her. But she resumed typing as if she wasn't particularly concerned, her eyes directed at the screen while keeping her attention on her peripheral vision and the direction of the intruder's voice.

It wasn't one she recognized, but that hardly mattered. She would find out who he was one way or another.

"It's rude to enter a lady's apartment if she hasn't invited you," she replied mildly, continuing to type and click, dispatching an e-mail to her partner to call the police. Someone would need to take this guy in, and she didn't own a vehicle. Of course, she doubted her partner was still awake at this point, but it wouldn't matter in the end. Once he was subdued, she could place the call herself.

"What do you want?"


demonicgene October 18 2011, 03:06:30 UTC
Kazuya had taken the possibility she would try something like this, and had made arrangements to have the people on his payroll manning the dispatch lines of the police department. He stood, stepping out of the shadows, clad only in his white and red gi pants. Part of it was intimidation, letting her see the myriad scars that covered his chest, but mainly, he knew she was a fighter, and wanted to make her aware that he was as well.

"I apologize for the intrusion, but it's not every day that 'the world's strongest woman' comes to New York to shake down my employees."

He absentmindedly adjusted his gloves, what looked like a small blue lightning bolt dancing across the metal studs. "I'll make this short. I'm prepared to pay you generously to drop the investigation."


lightningkick October 18 2011, 04:03:54 UTC
Chun-Li closed the laptop with a light click, before her gaze rose to lock eyes directly with Kazuya's. She looked at him steadily, unblinking, setting aside the computer as she planted her feet on the ground and rose to her full height.

"For a businessman, I can't help noticing that you're not exactly dressed for business." Her dark eyes flicked momentarily over his shirtless attire. The way he stood, she knew he had martial combat abilities. He was relaxed, for now, but that would change.

She stood in front of her coffee table, arms at her sides, regarding him suspiciously. "You've done your research on me...and now that you're here, and seen my non-luxury penthouse suite, I'm sure you can see that money doesn't interest me." Chun-Li didn't smile. "Justice does."


demonicgene October 19 2011, 04:29:50 UTC
"And for a cop, you're not exactly in uniform either. I figured that at this hour attire would be the least of our worries."

He just smirked as she gave her little speech. "Yes, I figured as much, and besides, it wouldn't be quite as much fun if you came quietly. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Kazuya Mishima. CEO of G Corporation, but my true passion is in fighting. I may not frequent the little tournaments that upstart Bison holds, but I assure you, I'm more than a match for you or any of your 'friends.'"

As if to emphasize his point, his left eye started to glow a blood red just before he took up his fighting stance.


lightningkick October 19 2011, 04:40:42 UTC
Came quietly? And what was that supposed to mean? Chun-Li's eyes narrowed. If he thought she was going anywhere, then he was sadly mistaken ( ... )


demonicgene October 20 2011, 00:54:36 UTC
Kazuya just smirked, as the leg that had been targeted shot straight up, having an unintended yet fortunate effect of parrying the kick to the throat. "I must admit, I underestimated your speed," he said as he kept his leg held up. "A mistake I will not be making again."

He forced his leg to the side, in an attempt to shove his opponent off balance as he followed up with a right hook with force that would easily knock out a lesser opponent.


lightningkick October 20 2011, 02:59:59 UTC
Once Chun-Li saw that she wouldn't hit her target as desired, she relaxed her leg, flowing with his move so as not to stumble and hit the ground. Such a thing might likely be the death of her. She was fighting for her life, she believed, so there was no room for flashy moves, nor panic and fear.

The driving punch was blocked with an arm bar, but it still drove her back a little and caused her to wince. If she weren't quite so sturdy, a blow like that might have broken her arm had he struck the right place. She retaliated with a rabbit punch from her other fist. If her speed was what he had a hard time dealing with, then she'd have to stick with quicker, lighter blows and hope she could wear him down.


demonicgene October 20 2011, 05:08:06 UTC
The punch connected, though it did little good. Kazuya was built like a rock, and it would take a lot to wear him down. He found it rather amusing that she was fighting with such intensity. She clearly thought he wanted her life. No, what he wanted was something much more intimate. He feinted to the left before stepping in quickly, and launching himself upward with an uppercut - a move not unlike the Shoryuken, though leaving blue lightning in his fist's wake.


lightningkick October 20 2011, 05:14:26 UTC
Chun-Li knew instinctively that it was a move she couldn't possibly block, or counter. She was forced to retreat with a backwards leap, bringing her closer to the door that led to her bedroom. Kazuya had incredible power, power that unfortunately would have rivaled Bison's. She was in for a tough fight, and she wasn't entirely sure she'd win.

What she did know was that she wouldn't make it easy for him. If he was going to break out the lightning in her apartment, then she'd return the favor. She hooked a chair with her foot, and with a snap of her leg, sent it flying directly at him. While he was forced to contend with her furniture, she gathered her chi, balling it into the palms of her hands, and then thrusting her hands forward.



demonicgene October 20 2011, 14:06:30 UTC
Kazuya batted the chair away but was forced to bring his forearms to block the chi blast. He was momentarily stunned, smoke rising from his gloves. Once the impact had passed, he lunged forward, a hand making a grab for the front of her shirt in the attempt to immobilize her long enough to slam his head against hers.


lightningkick October 20 2011, 14:17:11 UTC
It should have knocked him back. That was one of her fiercest attacks! The only thing fiercer was the powered-up version of the Kikouken, and she wasn't about to use that indoors lest she miss and blast an incidental neighbor.

"What in the--NNGH!"

Her head rocked back as stars exploded sharply and painfully across her vision. He'd moved so fast! Too fast to dodge, penetrating her defenses as he moved in too close to block. For a moment, Chun-Li reeled, unable to respond, or even think.


demonicgene October 20 2011, 19:17:42 UTC
It was in that moment that Kazuya ducked down, aiming a shoulder at her stomach, fully intending to tackle her to the ground and pin her there. However, once her vision corrected itself, she'd notice that there had indeed been some significant damage done to his forearms, but the scarring didn't seem to register with him as painful. Though, without an intimate knowledge of where his old scars ended and these began, it might be tough to decipher just what scars she did cause.

"I'm no ordinary human. Surely you've heard rumors of the Devil Gene and the Mishima family curse."


lightningkick October 20 2011, 19:27:34 UTC
Chun-Li's head was still spinning. She was aware that he was holding her down, aware that she was in a vulnerable position, aware of what he was saying. She blinked hard, and coughed, fighting the knot of pain in her stomach.

Finally she managed to speak through grit teeth between gasps for air. "Rumors." There was no evidence that they were real. She hadn't discounted them, though she'd never bothered to try confirming them either. Up until now, the Mishima Corporation wasn't in her jurisdiction as an officer of Interpol. There was no case against them prior to her investigation of this area.

Her muscles strained against his grip, pitting her strength against his as she struggled to rise.


demonicgene October 23 2011, 03:42:21 UTC
Kazuya grabbed the front of Chun-Li's shirt, ripping it off and using the cloth to tie her wrists together. "Jinpachi Mishima - my grandfather - is sealed beneath the Hon-Maru temple to keep him from eradicating the human race."

Once her wrists were secure, he leaned forward putting his face within inches of hers, a third eye opening on his forehead. "Not rumors. Fact. Now, about our... arrangement..."


lightningkick October 23 2011, 04:03:19 UTC
Being helpless wasn't a position Chun-Li was often in. She hated it. Her insides tightened at the nasty feeling of being held down and bound against her will, and her mind rebelled at the impossibility of it. There had to still be something she could do! But with his weight on her hips, she couldn't use her legs. Her arms had been captured. She didn't have enough leverage to headbutt him, and he wasn't close enough to bite. For now, she was out of options, save to keep him talking until help arrived.

If it ever would.

She recoiled instinctively as his face drew closer to hers, breathing hard from her incessant struggles. That third eye made her insides tighten even harder, her heart pounding faster. "No deal," she growled through gritted teeth. "I won't be bought by a creep like you."


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