Intro/ No Event/ BYOA

Oct 12, 2011 23:31

The mirrors, red decorations, plush pillows and beds straight out of a cheesy 70s porno made the message clear enough to the lanky thief-excess, debauchery, greed, and lust reigned king here.  Lust at the top of them all. His lips curled into a goofy grin when the realization hit him.

Lupin III, international thief, master of disguise ( Read more... )

series: lupin iii, pairing: m/f, pairing: m/m

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m19_lover October 20 2011, 03:11:16 UTC
Knowing very well that Lupin was trying to 'cheer him up' by telling him not to think about the past, Jigen appreciated that gesture, even if it didn't do much for his mood as a whole.

He felt that it was his obligation to keep an eye out for his friend and that bothered him. Sure it wouldn't be a problem with the hotel was only a place for people to loosen up a little, do some naughty stuff here and there just for kicks... But there was a darker side to that place that wasn't always 'fun' and that concerned him. he didn't really care much about bad things happening to him. It wasn't like he wasn't used to such things.

The real problem was the people around him. One could say that he was worrying himself too much, but when he remembered how that place put Goemon into a completely submissive position with no chance of escaping... He didn't even want to think about such a thing happening again.

"You are right, but I guess that's just the way I am." The gunman scratched the back oh his head, still trying to keep an 'everything is OK' smile. He knew that wasn't working at all, but he kept that act anyway.


redjacketthief October 20 2011, 03:53:18 UTC
Lupin regretted leaving his drink so far away. The conversation was getting heavy. He took a drag of his cigarette instead--a stallling tactic as he considered the conversation before him.

"Well...maybe you could take a load off for tonight?" It was a quiet suggestion, perhaps too gentle for the moment. "I mean, I'm here right now, so you don't need to worry about everyting.

"Besides, you're gonna get wrinkles if you frown all the time."


m19_lover October 20 2011, 04:04:08 UTC
Lupin was actually right. He was there, and the gunman was able to keep an eye on him. As long as they were 'awake' he knew the hotel wouldn't do anything to any of them. At least that place only had the habit of changing people from one place to anther while they were sleeping.

"Alright, alright. I suppose that as long I'm watching you there's no real reason for me to worry." Jigen filled his glass again but didn't down it in one go this time. He just quietly got the bottle and went back to sitting on the edge of the bed, leaving the bottle by the side of his feet.


redjacketthief October 20 2011, 17:28:05 UTC
"Implying I need a babysitter," Lupin muttered darkly around his cigarette. His smile was bitter.

It wasn't very often that Jigen turned into a scary poppa wolf. If he did, it was usually because he feared the worst, or something bad had already happened. Lupin didn't know which of the two was the reason this time.

He followed Jigen, and collected his glass before he sat down next to the gunman. "We're partner, Jigen," Lupin said at length. I've got your back too.


m19_lover October 20 2011, 17:51:55 UTC
Jigen's worry was a mostly mix between things that happened in the past and things he heard. Things he knew the hotel was completely capable of doing. And he didn't want those happening.

But it wasn't Jigen's intention to imply that Lupin couldn't take care of himself. On the contrary. The thief probably knew how to deal with - and escape from - complicated situations a lot easier than him. He probably would be able to keep his cool a lot longer to access the situation more properly. Jigen had to admit that, sometimes, his stubbornness and short temper were to blame for some of the things that happened to him.

"I know." Jigen kept on smiling, a little bit more genuinely now, getting the bottle from the floor and refilling Lupin's glass. "And I'm glad we are."


redjacketthief October 20 2011, 18:58:57 UTC
There was that smile.

Lupin returned it, and clinked his glass on Jigen's before sipping the wine. Its sweetness proved to be a good counterbalance for the lingering bitterness in the air. The thief and the gunman were together again, and the past remained the past. All was right in the world.

"Me too, Jigen-chan. Me too."


m19_lover October 21 2011, 02:13:50 UTC
Surely Jigen wasn't having such a 'positive' outlook on things. Not everything was tight in the world, but at least Lupin was able to improve his mood, even if only a little. That was a whole lot more than most of the people there could do.

"Say, you think you can spare me one of your cigarettes. It feels like forever since I smoked." And... that was actually true. He wasn't exaggerating it.


redjacketthief October 21 2011, 03:34:56 UTC
"Oh? Sure, Jigen," Lupin reached for his pack and tapped one out. He had been considering offering, actually. It was strange to see the gunman without one. "It's not your brand, but it doesn't sound like you mind at the moment..."


m19_lover October 23 2011, 17:23:26 UTC
"Not really a problem." Jigen allowed himself to let out a mild chuckle. Apparently, just the simple act of being able to share a cigarette with someone he knew and trusted was enough to put him on a better state of mind.

"Hope I didn't 'scare' you with all that talk about this place being dangerous." The gunman said before putting the cigarette between his lips. He knew it would take more than his paranoia to make Lupin scared, but he still felt like apologizing.


redjacketthief October 23 2011, 17:33:45 UTC
A spread on Lupin's face--no guile, no arrogance, no mischief, just a genuine smile. "You can't scare me that easily, Jigen-chan. Who do you think I am, anyway?

"And don't apologize. If anything, I was just worried that something terrible had happened to you before I got here. But you're okay, so it looks like I really didn't have much reason to worry about you."
Now, for the others, Lupin didn't know. Who else was here? Fujiko? Goemon? Pops?

Lupin would worry about that later. There was time. There was always time.

The thief reached into his pocket and pulled out a lighter. He flicked it alight, and held it out for Jigen. "Since we're being honest here, I do have one small confession to make..." He looked sheepish for a second as he thought of the words, but continued wihtout breaking the rhythm. "...I'm kind of lost. I didn't pay attention to where I was going earlier today. Do you mind if I stay with you for a while, at least until I find a map?"


m19_lover October 23 2011, 18:54:23 UTC
Goemon had been there for a while but Jigen didn't like remembering that. As for the others, he never saw any of them, but considering how big that place was, it wouldn't be a surprise if they got there and left without him knowing.

Lupin himself have been there before, but he clearly didn't remember it. Which was strange. He remembered Wrath telling him he retained his memories from that place when he left. Maybe it was different from person to person? There was no use dwelling on that though. Thinking about it too much was probably just going to give him a headache anyway.

Leaning forward a little bit to light up his cigarette, he listened to Lupin's words and couldn't help but shrug at them.

"I don't see why you not. Also, if you happen to find a map, you should get one for me as well. I'm always getting lost at this damn place." Jigen took a long drag from the cigarette, his lungs adjusting to the smoke. It felt like forever since he did that.


redjacketthief October 23 2011, 22:07:53 UTC
That...made life a little simpler.

Lupin took another sip of his wine, and flopped onto his back as he stretched his arms out."I'll do it gladly, Jigen. If I don't find one, I might just make one myself--just because. It's the principle of the matter, you know."

He set his wine down again on that table, and took another drag from his cigarette. He had many nagging questions about the Hotel itself, partifularly if Jigen had heard anything like what that kid he ran into earlier mentioned--comings and goings. Lupin was a little sorry he couldn't pry more information out of that kid.

Maybe later, Lupin decided. Maybe after they slept, or had a few more drinks.


m19_lover October 24 2011, 00:00:36 UTC
Making a map... himself? Lupin certainly didn't know what he was dealing with.

"I don't think doing one yourself is the best course of action. Do you have any idea how many floors this place has?" Jigen was under the impression that if he told his partner that the number of floors in that place went being the thousands, he wouldn't believe him.

And Jigen knew about people coming and going, but he wasn't quite sure about the mechanics behind those. If he was, he would have found a way to get out of that place as soon as 1 2 3.


redjacketthief October 24 2011, 00:23:54 UTC
"Uh...a lot?"

Lupin had come to understand the grand nature of the Hotel in his hapless wanderings. He knew that there were more floors than he could count offhand, but he hadn't made a proper estimate. Besides, making a map didn't sound too daunting to him. He's Lupin III, able to do anything.

He didn't know the level of strangeness that he had been sucked into.


m19_lover October 24 2011, 00:58:13 UTC
"'A lot' doesn't even begin to cover it..." Jigen said, kind of under his breath. "But, well, if you think you want o do it, be my guest."

At least that would keep Lupin busy for a while... and hopefully out of trouble.


redjacketthief October 25 2011, 15:38:53 UTC
"I think I will," Lupin said. It was a challenge--he liked a good challenge. "And, when I'm done, I'll be sure to give you a copy."

A lazy smile. A wink.

He snuggled deeper into the luxuriously soft bed, and did his best to stifle a yawn. It had been a long day, and the bed really was soft. He wouldn't have minded sleeping like that beside his friend forever.


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