the witching hour ☩ forsaken ☩ no aphro

Oct 09, 2011 19:12

It smelled of earth -- old earth that had come from a distant land, possibly even a different time. Doris was coming to, stirring some as her conscious was trying to familiarize with her surroundings. But something was wrong; so very wrong. Eyes snapping open, her eyes were met with darkness. She tried to get up but found that she was confined in some box. Her senses were going into overdrive as she could smell earth around her; she could even hear the crawling of bugs and worms just outside the wooden structure that contained her.

The noises were getting too loud, pounding in her ears, making her eyes close shut from the pain. When it got too much, Doris pulled back her lips in a silent snarl, but as she did so, she could feel two lengthened incisors poking out from her gums. Bringing a shaky hand to her mouth, Doris could feel her teeth and let out a blood-curdling scream.She howled and pounded at the top of the box with her fists, feeling the entire containment rattle and shake; her knuckles were cut and bruised as blood trickled between her fingers and smeared her palms.

When using her fists would not work, Doris began to use her body, banging her head, kicking her feet and knees -- anything that would break the surface so she could get herself out. It seemed like a good hour had passed before a crack formed above her; using this as leverage, Doris clawed at the tiny space and put all her force into her fingers and arms as she beat the top of the box off. As it finally gave way, Doris was met with a mouthful of earth falling onto her. No sooner had she enough space to get out, more earth began to spill in; frantically using her arms to shove the dirt back, Doris crawled her way up, her fingers caked with mud and dead bugs.

Having finally made it to the surface, Doris was covered in dead things and caked dirt and blood. Her eyes wide and bloodshot and her limbs shaking, she inched her way away from where she had been buried. She had enough strength to turn her head and look back at the hole she had just climbed from; it had been dug exactly six feet and was in the perfect form for a coffin -- not just a regular coffin, but a vampire's coffin.

Crashing onto the ground in a heap, Doris let out low growls and wails of pain as she scatched at her skin, trying to see if she was indeed what she feared. Her throat was sore from her screams as she coughed up blood and dirt. With the brief look she had managed to take, Doris found herself in a deserted cemetary; desecrated tombs and graves littlered the site; bones stuck out of the ground like eldritch stones; the smell of decay was pungent making it nearly impossible to breath. Shaking all over, her low groans brought to mind of a dying animal who's death had not been fulfilled.

Keen ears then picked up on sounds moving closer to where she lay. Footsteps crunching over dead leaves and twigs as they seemed to have come here for a purpose. Her body was still new to being a vampire, so she could not use foresight and look into their minds and see what their purpose was, nor did she care. Surely her groans would alert them to her right away.

But there was something else as well: Doris only realized now that she wasn't wearing any clothes...

[ooc: Sorry for spamming, but this idea came to me after watching a marathon of horror movies during the weekend. So, Doris is now a vampire, albeit an inexperienced one, but a vampire nonetheless. Her blood cravings have not kicked in just yet (they might never come), but she is a real mess; covered in dead bugs, grime and dirt, she's lying naked in a graveyard next to a grave she had just clawed out from. Smut is very unlikely in this log as she will be more freaked out than anything else, but depending on her interaction with your pup, it could happen; so, CR is more likely to happen. Send me a PM if there are any questions.]

series: vampire hunter d

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