Trapped in the Library + Demonic Possession | Light Aphro (Heavy for Sukiko)

Oct 07, 2011 15:02

As she entered the Library the soft sounds of pages turning and people talking in hushed voices washed over Sukiko like a soothing balm. The mellow mix of emotions that flowed from the library's occupants was equally soothing, forming a kind of empathic white noise that allowed her to ease up on her psychic shields and relax mentally as well as ( Read more... )

pairing: f/f, series: dungeons & dragons, pairing: f/m, series: original character

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regal_courtesan October 8 2011, 14:23:44 UTC
The fleeting hope she had that Konoka would be able to escape where she herself had failed quickly died with the door once more refused to open. Hoping to put as much distance between herself and the other woman as possible, Sukiko turned and jogged away in the opposite direction. She didn't get far before the curse completely enveloped her however, knocking her to her knees with a grunt of pain as her transformation rushed to completion. In moments her wings were fully formed and her horns extended, and her eyes were solid black eyes as she stood up and scanned the area..

"Where are you pretty girl?" Sukiko called out in a low, sensual voice. "Just because you aren't a man doesn't mean we can't have a little fun..." While her body craved the seed of a man she was so horny that just about anything biologically compatible would do. Since Sukiko had slept with women before and had often quite enjoyed doing so, the prospect of easing her lust with with the girl trying to hide from her sounded quite pleasant indeed. She therefore opened up her empathic senses as much as she could, and before long she had a rough idea of where Konoka was hiding. Smiling wickedly, Sukiko headed towards the Konoka's hiding place, peeling off the various layers of her ankle-length skirt and leaving them behind her like a trail of silky bread crumbs.


healingslayer_x October 8 2011, 14:32:20 UTC
Konoka tensed. This would not go well no matter what she did. She could feel her heart beat, her mind go crazy in completely different directions, and even a growing warmth between her legs. The fright of being pursued and taken was equally balanced by her body's excitement of the prospect.

Her tail flicked, but unfortunately it tapped something, and while the ensuing noise wasn't enough to give her away, her surprised squeak was more than enough to do so.


regal_courtesan October 8 2011, 19:31:09 UTC
For a moment Sukiko could have sworn that she heard something, and she paused as she shed the last of her skirt, leaving herself wearing only her corset, panties, and heels. When the half-heard sound was followed up by a startled cry a moment later Sukiko's smile returned and she quickly headed in the direction the sound had come from. In no time at all she found her prey, and her smile became fuller and more sensual as she slowly closed the distance between them.

"There you are my pretty little playmate! You don't have to hide from me; I won't hurt you. In fact, what I have in mind will feel very, very good." As soon as she was close enough Sukiko lunged forward and made a grab for Konoka, hoping to pull her in for a nice steamy kiss.


healingslayer_x October 8 2011, 19:52:37 UTC
Konoka could do better than this. She could easily outpower such a succubus, send her flying with just a spell. But that wasn't going to work out for her, now would it? As the sultry succubus approached, she could feel heat swell up in her body, so all logic to fight back was hitting a brick wall known as an uncooperative body.

"U-um, I...!" Konoka began, but all she got was Sukiko dragging her close in and claiming her lips. She squealed in the kiss and tried weakly to pull back, but the succubus was too strong. Again, the idea of flirting with danger was a powerful drug to her as of late, and Konoka had no power to resist.


regal_courtesan October 10 2011, 11:48:12 UTC
Sukiko laughed darkly at her pretty companion's feeble protests. It seemed that she didn't want to get away as much as she claimed. So Sukiko deepened their kiss as she forced Konoka backwards, her tongue invading the girl's mouth as she pinned her to the wall. She then pressed her body up against Konoka's, rubbing her generous breasts against Konoka's and moaning into her mouth.

After spending several moments savoring the taste of Konoka's mouth Sukiko pulled her head back and smiled seductively. The flash of her tiny little fangs added a hint of menace to the gesture, but nothing too terrifying. She was a lust driven demon after all, so she was far more suited to in inspiring desire than fear.

"You're over dressed pretty girl," Sukiko said in a low purr. "Time to fix that." She then started untying the sash holding Konoka's kimono closed. "What's your name demon?" she asked curiously as the sash came undone. "I like to know the names of my playmates..."

[OOC: Just out of curiosity, are Konoka's wings and horns visible?]


healingslayer_x October 10 2011, 14:42:53 UTC
Konoka could practically feel her tongue worm deeper inside, causing her to moan, shaking from rising arousal. The mere act of being kissed by a succubi was driving her into a hazy lust--this one had to be notably stronger.

"Overdressed?" Konoka gasped, after being able to breathe again. "For this place? I-I don't think so..." But she was so pretty and so dominating, it was getting harder to resist. "M-my name's Konoka."

((Horns: yes. Wings: no, must be coaxed out.))


regal_courtesan October 10 2011, 15:17:30 UTC
"Since there's no one here but us you are indeed quite overdressed my dear," Sukiko continued in that same low purr. "Especially for what I have in mind for you." Part of that included the sash she had just liberate from Konoka's clothing, and she wrapped it around her hand so as not to lose it. She then tugged open Konoka's kimono, her dark eyes dipping down to take in the girl's lovely figure contained in what little clothing still remained to conceal it.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Konoka. My name's Sukiko, and I'm very much looking forward to getting to know you." Sukiko leaned in to nip playfully at Konoka's collar bone, her fangs adding the faintest of stings to the bite but no real pain. "The more intimately the better."

[OOC: Got it! Thanks.]


healingslayer_x October 10 2011, 19:31:27 UTC
"N-nice to meet you too," Konoka breathed, not sure if she wanted to like how this woman stripped her of her obi, neither did she want to feel her body tense up in excitement when she pressed her breasts against her own. And that bite to her neck definitely wasn't supposed to turn her on.

"S-surely you can ah, calm down and discuss this? You aren't yourself!" Konoka exclaimed. She wouldn't be so picky in most circumstances, but the girl hitting on her clearly wasn't thinking straight.


regal_courtesan October 10 2011, 21:59:55 UTC
"On the contrary; I'm more myself now than I was earlier. I'm still me," Sukiko glanced up and gave Konoka a hungry look, "just without all of those silly inhibitions and all that Courtesan training. I'm free to give into every delicious little desire I have. And right now I have a lot of them, all of which involve you Konoka." With that Sukiko moved in closer, her body almost but not quite touching Konoka's, and began to remove the girl's undergarments.

"We're going to have so much fun together, you and I. The kind of fun that will make us scream and leave us feeling thoroughly sated." As far as Sukiko was concerned the sooner they started fooling around the better. She was so horny she couldn't stand it. Her sex ached with need and her skin was so warm that even her corset and panties seemed horribly uncomfortable. Both would have to go, and soon, but first she had to finish stripping her pretty little playmate, which she proceeded to do with as much alacrity as possible.


healingslayer_x October 10 2011, 22:23:54 UTC
Sukiko wouldn't have to remove much--just her panties, and the rest of her kimono. Konoka didn't bother with a bra under her kimono, hence her nipples were already hard when she started to play. Soon, Konoka was naked, save the hanao and socks, and backed against the wall, not really buying that this woman was herself, despite being massively turned on by all this.

Her tail waved a bit, as she tried to think of a way to buy more time, or figure out how to calm the succubi down. "W-what desires are we talking about? Are you sure we can do them in a library like this?"


regal_courtesan October 11 2011, 20:00:38 UTC
Once Konoka was down to her socks and sandals Sukiko went to work on what little clothing she herself was still wearing, reaching around behind her back to begin unhooking her corset. Sukiko's eyes remained locked on Konoka's enticing figure as she removed the garment with practiced ease, and she sighed with relief as her enormous breasts spilled free from their confines. She laughed throatily at Konoka's questions as she shimmied out of her panties, amused by the feeble protests that were so at odds with the intense arousal pouring off the girl.

"Sex, pure and simple," Sukiko replied as she moved in close to Konoka, her breasts brushing up against Konoka's as she bracketed the girl's head with her hands. "Fingers and hands, mouth and tongue, flesh to flesh. As much as our bodies can endure and more." Sukiko leaned in to tease Konoka's neck with her teeth. "As for whether or not it is permitted for us to do such things in the library... I neither know nor care, and in a few moments neither shall you." Sukiko then pressed her body tightly to Konoka's, and after spending a few more moments nuzzling her neck she captured the pretty demon's mouth in a searing kiss.


healingslayer_x October 11 2011, 23:43:52 UTC
Konoka struggled to keep her mind straight when Sukiko stripped her down, and even more when Sukiko stripped herself. To be honest, she really just wanted to make sure the poor thing wasn't being controlled by some wicked circumstance that would mean that she would regret it later.

Unfortunately, that made it hard for her to thing when Sukiko's large breasts pressed against Konoka's equally large mounds. Nipples pressing and rubbing together made Konoka quiver. When was the last time she had been dominated by a lovely woman, driven to lust just by her body? She wanted to struggle, to get away, maybe she could somehow outlast her--

Not a chance. Her mouth was claimed again, and she practically melted under its warmth. Her physical resistance was gone, only some mental confusion and resistance remained.


regal_courtesan October 12 2011, 13:03:31 UTC
Sukiko hummed with approval as she felt her companion finally give in to her body's desires. She could still sense some psychological hesitancy though, so Sukiko did what she could to break down that last barriers. She began to rub her breasts in little circles against Konoka's, causing their nipples to slide around each other, the pretty demon's little shiver from before having told Sukiko just how much she liked it. Sukiko deepened the kiss as well, practically devouring Konoka's mouth and pressing her fangs into her lips just hard enough to be felt.

"See? I told you it would feel good," Sukiko purred when she eventually broke the kiss. She pressed her body more firmly against Konoka's for a few moments before stepping back a little. "Now let's make ourselves comfortable so the fun can really begin." Sukiko then arranged their discarded clothes into a makeshift mattress and knelt down onto it, reaching out to take Konoka firmly by the hand and coax her down as well.


healingslayer_x October 12 2011, 14:35:19 UTC
Konoka gasped--this wasn't going to end well, was it? Sukiko was sending crazy vibes that easily broke her willpower--things that wouldn't have distracted her a year ago were now easily taking over her mind. The bite sent a sharp but pleasurable sting to her nerves, almost making her wetter.

When she stepped back, Konoka willed herself to flee, but her body felt so warm and craved contact, it was impossible for her mind to reach her body. So Sukiko easily dragged her down to the mess of clothes, aroused by their touching bodies.


regal_courtesan October 12 2011, 15:07:41 UTC
"You really should stop trying to deny your body's desires Konoka." Sukiko's voice was low and soothing as she reached out to trace the curve of Konoka's horns with her fingers. "It's much better just to give into them. And believe me, I should know." The Succubus always found the restrictions her human host placed on their sexual desires to be utterly ridiculous, and she was glad that she felt no compulsion whatsoever to follow them. Otherwise it would make what she was about to do far less enjoyable.

"One of my body's desires is to tie yours up, so be a good little demon and lie down and clasp your hands over your head." Sukiko licked her lips suggestively as her eyes roamed freely over Konoka's body, lingering on the curve of her hips and the swell of her impressive breasts. She unwound the sash still wrapped around her hand as she did so, toying idly with the ends once she was done and leaving no doubt as to what she planned to do with it.


healingslayer_x October 12 2011, 15:24:30 UTC
She was still going to regret it if, after all their fun and games, she gains sanity back and suddenly gets the cold shoulder. No fun at all.

But Sukiko is definitely a prime succubus--pumping her full of lust, appealing to her fetishes, and making her helpless to both. With that level of acceptance, Konoka eased up a bit, figuring it was just better to roll with it, and let Sukiko have her way with her. She folded her wrists above her head, and gazed softly at Sukiko, tongue out.


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