Trapped in the Library + Demonic Possession | Light Aphro (Heavy for Sukiko)

Oct 07, 2011 15:02

As she entered the Library the soft sounds of pages turning and people talking in hushed voices washed over Sukiko like a soothing balm. The mellow mix of emotions that flowed from the library's occupants was equally soothing, forming a kind of empathic white noise that allowed her to ease up on her psychic shields and relax mentally as well as ( Read more... )

pairing: f/f, series: dungeons & dragons, pairing: f/m, series: original character

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shiro_megane October 7 2011, 21:32:20 UTC
At the sound a familiar voice, Ishida pulled back from the stacks of books surrounding him, having obscured him from her view, and she from his. A surprised, fond, but concerned smile played across his features at the sight of the courtesan.

"Sukiko. Hello again. What seems to be the matter? If there's anything I can help you with..."

He had encountered Sukiko's demonic side before, with no long-term ill effect. She didn't drain his life-force, as sone succubi of legend did, nor did he mind the requirements necessary to calm the demon inside her. Still, the timing... It couldn't be her inner demon-- the timing was all wrong, he knew. But that just eliminated one possibility-- Ishida knew better than to imagine the hotel didn't have other tricks, other games to play.


regal_courtesan October 8 2011, 13:04:51 UTC
It took all of her considerable skill at maintaining her composure not to wilt with relief when she recognized Ishida. He was in some ways the ideal solution to her problem - a friend who not only knew about her curse but was also willing to help her deal with it. Assuming her demonic self didn't molest him too badly anyway, but thankfully that had never been a problem. One of the few silver linings in the curse was that even when possessed by the Succubus lurking in her psyche she was still Sukiko, and violence simply wasn't in her nature ( ... )


shiro_megane October 8 2011, 21:08:39 UTC
Standing, he approaches, rather than draw away, reaching out to gently brush a strand of raven hair away from her burgeoning hornlets. He's seen then disappear before, but never before seen her transform into the demoness. He wasn't surprised she'd try to help a stranger, to tell them to escape before her transformation completed, but if what she said was true, with the doors locked, it would be difficult for any victim to put much distance between him or herself and the succubus. The better solution would have been to knock her unconscious before her transformation could complete... But Ishida had no intention of doing that. Sukiko needed help, and he intended to see she got what she needed ( ... )


regal_courtesan October 10 2011, 13:36:33 UTC
It took all of her restraint not to lean into Ishida's hand as he touched her hair. She very much enjoyed having her hair played with, whether it be a gentle caress or a sharp tug, and one of the things her transformation did was boost her desires while removing her inhibitions. Sukiko managed to remain still in spite of that however, although she couldn't stop her eyelids from dipping sensuously as lust surged within her.

"Thank you Ishida," She said softly, returning the gentle squeeze of her hand by reaching up to cup his cheek. "Thank you for being understanding, and most of all thank you for being willing. That always makes the aftermath a little less distressing." She then leaned in to kiss Ishida, gently at first, but with steadily growing force as the curse enveloped her mind and body. By the time her transformation was complete Sukiko was purring throatily and rubbing her body against Ishida's, her tongue trying to force its way into his mouth while her dainty little fangs pressed into his lips.

[OOC: Thanks! As you ( ... )


shiro_megane October 10 2011, 18:25:24 UTC
Ishida, for his part, had no qualms about allowing himself to lean into her touch as her palm cupped his cheek. He would have offered protest-- to her thanks, at least. She hardly needed to thank him for being willing, after all. But before the words escaped hi lips, her mouth had already captured his in a soft kiss, and the thought died on his lips.

There was little surprise as her kiss grew more aggressive, more intense, but, though he yielded, lips parting willingly for her tongue, he returned the kiss with equal passion, equal intensity, his tongue dancing-- caressing and stroking and swirling about hers. His youthful body responded with vigor to her attentions as his long fingers explored her anew, running through her silken tresses, gently glancing against and rubbing the small horns sprouted from her temples, and stroking her wings, exploring them to see how sensitive they were.

[Aaaah. Who else will be retired, if you don't mind my asking? And sure! I'll hit you up if anything sparks an interesting thread idea, and you can ( ... )


regal_courtesan October 10 2011, 20:32:17 UTC
With her demonic side fully in control Sukiko wasted no time in taking full advantage of her prey's willingness to submit to her advances. As soon as Ishida's lips parted her tongue was thrusting its way into his mouth and probing the soft tissues behind his teeth. She made a happy little sound when she felt Ishida's tongue brush against hers a moment later, and she pressed her lips tightly to his to facilitate it. Sukiko practicality purred when Ishida followed it up by petting her hair, and she bumped her blunt little horns playfully against his hand to show her approval of his touch. She broke the kiss with a little "Oh!" of surprise when Ishida's hands moved down to caress her wings, and her solid-black eyes held a twinkle of delight as her full, red lips curled up into a smile ( ... )


shiro_megane October 10 2011, 20:59:25 UTC
"As I recall, the last time you had them I didn't have much time to try," he answered a little breathlessly, flush with arousal. Though he was as eager to get her out of her clothes as she was to free him from his, he restrained the impulse, for the moment. deciding instead to work her up a bit more. After all, he was hardly averse to the situation-- what was the harm in making it last a little longer, especially if he could make sure she enjoyed it, too-- or even make her squirm?

As her fingers swiftly undid the buttons of his shirt, revealing his flesh to her, he explored the curves of her wings with touches light and quick, stroking, teasing, caressing, to see what kinds of reactions he could win from the succubus-- and what places she reacted most strongly to being touched.

[At least Reyna will still be about? I really should tag Sarah sometime, too.]


regal_courtesan October 11 2011, 20:35:17 UTC
All of Ishida's touches felt nice, but the long strokes to the top of her wings felt the best, and after a half dozen or so Sukiko was purring throatily as her surprisingly soft wings shivered beneath Ishida's fingers. "I hope you're enjoying that as much as I am," she said as she pushed his shirt off his shoulders. "Because you're going to have to do more of it. Much more." Sukiko then went to work on Ishida's trousers, her fingers moving with even greater rapidity than before. The arousal pouring off the handsome young man was inflaming her own, and her need to get them both naked was becoming rather urgent.

"After you undress me," Sukiko added firmly. "It's not fair if you get to be the only one who's naked." Her tone was playfully teasing, but in truth she was so wet that her panties were soaked with her own juices and as such had become decidedly uncomfortable. Sukiko therefore wanted them off as quickly as possible. That meant that her skirts had to go as well of course, but since she was busy with Ishida's clothing ( ... )


shiro_megane October 12 2011, 18:41:15 UTC
It wasn't hard to guess what she responded best to when he heard the sultry rumble from the succubus' throat, and once he had that figured out, he let his hands retreat from her only long enough to get his arms through the sleeves, letting his shirt fall to the floor. She was more aggressive, more commanding than how she normally was, but that surprised Ishida little-- he had hardly expected a sex demoness to be demure or shy. "I wouldn't dream of not doing more," he answered readily, leaning into place a light kiss against the base of one of her horns as his hands slid down over her body, stealing quick caresses over soft, flushed flesh and through the fabric of her corset before reaching her skirt ( ... )


regal_courtesan October 12 2011, 21:14:09 UTC
"Mmmm... Good boy... I like the way you touch me..." The sweet little kiss to her horn earned Ishida a smile that would have been charming if not for Sukiko's fangs. If she hadn't been so thoroughly under the influence of her curse the gesture would have earned him a similar one in return, as well as a more gentle and relaxed love-making session, but until her thirst was slackened Sukiko was incapable of such considerations ( ... )


shiro_megane October 12 2011, 21:26:01 UTC
Ishida gave a hum of agreement to her words-- with his mouth occupied as it was, he didn't particularly want to pull back long enough to answer just yet... especially when it meant the vibrations from his tongue would tease her clit as his tongue swirled about the sensitive nub ( ... )


regal_courtesan October 13 2011, 12:02:34 UTC
The vibrations in her clit sent a shiver of pleasure racing up her spine and made her nipples so hard that little bumps in the stiff fabric of her corset. One hand maintained its grip in Ishida's hair, keeping his face pressed to her sex, while the other stroked his neck and shoulders encouragingly, silently urging him on. It had been a while since someone had pleasured her orally and not the other way around, and Sukiko intended to indulge herself in it for as long as possible.

Ishida's talented tongue was making it hard for her to stand however, and it wasn't long before her legs were quivering under his hands with the effort it took to remained standing. Sukiko moaned softly and dipped her head as her pleasure built, letting her long black hair fall forward to brush Ishida's back and chest, while both hands clung tightly to his shoulders to help keep herself from collapsing onto the floor. Even that was only a stop-gap measure though, and eventually Sukiko was forced to admit defeat ( ... )


shiro_megane October 13 2011, 17:18:12 UTC
Ishida couldn't resist stealing one last flicker of his tongue, humming teasingly, knowing well its effect on Sukiko. He couldn't have asked for a higher compliment than to know he was making a courtesan-- a succubus-- weak in the knees. Still, despite how much he was enjoying himself, he withdrew, tongue playing across his lips as he glanced up at her, pressing a small kiss to her inner thigh.There was no need to look up to see how aroused she was-- he could see so very clearly right now just how aroused she was, but as he glanced up at the swell of her generous breasts, her flushed flesh, well-- he didn't think anyone could have minded the view. Whether she'd let him continue-- he still had a few tricks up his sleeves-- or whether she'd want more than this, and now- well, that was up to her. Either way, he certainly would enjoy himself.


regal_courtesan October 13 2011, 18:28:09 UTC
Sukiko made a strangled little sound and leaned more heavily still on Ishida as his tongue flicked at her clit one last time. She took a shuddering breath and gave him a highly pleased look when he glanced up at her, and she hummed softly at the kiss to her inner thigh. Sukiko then ran her finger teasingly along Ishida's jaw before stepping back and unhooking her corset. She sighed with relief as her voluptuous breasts spilled free from their confines, and she tossed the garment aside before easing herself down into a nearby arm chair.

With her wings flared out behind her and her jet black hair framing her infernally beautiful face Sukiko looked like an underworld queen holding court. The fact that said court consisted of a single young man who was obviously very aroused did little to diminish the effect. Indeed, Sukiko seemed quite pleased with the current situation, and her dark eyes flashed with desire as they eyed Ishida's erection ( ... )


shiro_megane October 13 2011, 19:27:09 UTC
Ishida's eyes didn't, couldn't tear themselves from Sukiko for even a heartbeat. Even though he had seen her bereft of even a single shred of clothing before, she was no less breath-taking than before to him, her beauty given a wicked, sinful allure by the demonic features that only served to accentuate her sensual form. Each movement, each step, the sway of her hips and the movements of her freed breasts, he drank in the whole of her eagerly, his manhood throbbing, aching with need for release against the confines of his last garment ( ... )


regal_courtesan October 13 2011, 21:01:25 UTC
Sukiko's hands tightened their grip the arms of the chair, her long nails digging into the plush fabric, at the impressive sight of Ishida's naked cock. It was thick and hard and standing almost vertical, and it was one of the most arousing sights the Succubus had ever seen. She had seen many like it of course, both while sleeping inside Sukiko's mind and during her all-too brief periods of freedom, but this time it was much more erotic to witness, since seemingly all it had taken to inspire such arousal in Ishida was for her to strip naked and let him pleasure her ( ... )


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