Beginnings and Endings | BYOA

Oct 02, 2011 15:56

The slap was so hard that it stung, sending Miku's ears ringing. There's a moment before she lifts a hand to her cheek, looking at the source of the slap - her very pissed off coworker. The rage on her coworker's face melted into a smirk as she rubbed her hand. "Be glad that's all I'm doing, Hatsune. You should know better than to flirt with another woman's boyfriend." With that, she walked off, slamming the bathroom door closed behind her. Miku didn't move at first, just listening to the silence inside the bathroom and appreciating her moment of peace. Slowly, she turned to face her reflection, her free hand resting on the cool edge of the sink. A deep red cheek greeted her, but she was thankful to see it wouldn't bruise. As she soaked a paper towel to rest on it, she blinked as her cell phone went off in her pocket. Drying off one hand quickly, she pulled out the red phone and flipped it open as she pressed the cool paper towel to her cheek. Upon seeing who it was, her expression soured further.

"You're seeing me tonight."

It was from him, of course; it always was. Miku's current boyfriend was cheating on her - with three different women, as a matter of fact. He was also the one who ordered her to flirt with her coworker's lover. He didn't like seeing them together, so he ordered her to try and break them up. She knew he didn't really love her, but he spoke so sweetly and touched her in all the right places to make her melt like putty in his hands. She had tried to break up with him before, but he had always managed to make her change her mind. She knew her views on love and healthy relationships were skewed because of him, even more so than they were before.

All because he was her superior at work.

Thankfully, he wasn't her boss, just a fellow worker who had a couple years more at the company than her. His girlfriends were all lower than him, actually. But the boss trusted him beyond a shadow of a doubt, so if she ever did get the willpower to break it off, she knew she'd lose her job somehow. All because she knew the truth... Gritting her teeth, Miku snapped the phone shut. She was losing sleep, so stressed she was almost having panic attacks, and for what? A womanizing asshole and a job where she was being underpaid and overworked. Hey, maybe getting rid of both was exactly what she needed. Slipping her phone back into her pocket, she slammed her hands on the counter and leaned into her reflection. "It ends tonight, Miku. No breaking down this time. Remember this anger, this pain. No man is worth that much."


After calming down, Miku managed to get through the rest of her day, then clocked out and took the train home. As she walked upstairs to her apartment, she blinked as she realized the door was unlocked. Had she forgotten to lock it after leaving? Her heart skipped a beat as she opened the door, but thankfully, nothing was stolen. Sighing in relief, she closed and locked the door behind her before moving to the kitchen and pulling out a beer from the fridge. She always channeled her inner bitch better when she was a little buzzed. As she turned the light on in the living room, she froze as she saw someone on her couch. This, she definitely didn't expect.

"Wh-what are you doing here?!"

[OOC: So, either be the asshole boyfriend, or be a male or female coworker who's come to try and show Miku that she's too good for him - or would be better paired with them. Females are welcome for the coworker role, but males only if you wish to be the jerk. CR or smut as always, prefs are in her journal.]

pairing: f/f, pairing: f/m, series: vocaloid

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