Mommy & Son Incest//locked to cult_of_shido

Sep 27, 2011 16:04

It was difficult to be a single mother. Especially when that mother had to have a full-time job. That was what Akiko felt having to raise her son by herself after his father had simply up and left them. Shido handled it admirably. He was a good student, obedient, and did his chores without complaint ( Read more... )

series: wolfencrest, series: highschool of the dead

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cult_of_shido September 27 2011, 20:30:56 UTC
It was all that busy time that was most surely saving the young man from making an ass of himself. He'd been a good boy - more than a good boy even, maybe too much of one. He spent so much of his life abiding by rules, by what he knew his mother would like, he'd ignored the fact he was a young man. All it had taken was his cram school friends' sharing a magazine during a lunch break.

Ever since, he couldn't look at his mother straight. She was the most important woman in his life after all, and what he had seen in that magazine... discovering the beauty of a nude woman, of what a woman could really do... well, it'd sent his mind reeling. He'd managed to somehow continue doing well at his school work, his chores, everything, except being able to act normally around her, of course.

But he nodded a little bit, watching her turn to walk in to the kitchen, eyes watching the sway of her hip. Internally cursing himself, he took a breath and let it out. "T-that sounds good mom. I'll go drop my stuff off in my room and be right down, alright?" He said, already making his way to the stairwell.


ms_nosy_teach September 27 2011, 20:38:49 UTC
Completely unaware of any discomfort her son was feeling at that moment, Akiko went about her business happily, thinking that her plan was a good one. She reached into the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of chilled sake she had been saving. Well, he might be under age, but maybe it would help him loosen up. For both of them to be frank with each other. Besides, it wasn't like he would be going out into the streets drunk where someone could take advantage of him.

"It's ready when you are," she called upstairs before seating herself at the table and waiting patiently for him to join her.


cult_of_shido September 27 2011, 20:59:38 UTC
He took some time to collect himself in his room, changing in to less stuffy clothes than the ones he wore to school. He changed in to a plain black shirt, some cargo shorts, the stuff he usually wore around home, unlike the tucked in shirt and slacks he wore to school. Sitting on his bed, collecting himself, he repeated it like a mantra to himself. "She's my mom, she's my mom, she's my mom."

Of course, how well did that work? Not a bit, as it just made the idea of it more enthralling. Such a beauty living with him, who loved him unconditionally. Something his friend's at school probably had, but not from such a beautiful girl.

She might hear a thump from upstairs - which would be Shido slamming his head a bit too hard against his desk in embarrassed frustration, but either way before long he was walking down the steps, his forehead a tiny bit red, approaching the table and sitting opposite her with a small grunt. Upon sitting, he'd soon realize most all of his favorite foods were a part of the dinner.

"Whoa..." He let out despite himself, forgetting his awkwardness to glance at the feast his mother had prepared him.


ms_nosy_teach September 27 2011, 21:03:07 UTC
Akiko looked at him in concern.

"Your forehead...did you bump it? I heard a noise," she said, hands reaching to start piling food on his plate. "Do you need some ice?"

Hey, she was a mother, after all. And he was her only son. Of course she worried.


cult_of_shido September 27 2011, 21:04:40 UTC
"Y-yeah! I'm fine. I was just getting my shirt off and I wasn't watching where I was going. Don't worry, I'm alright." He said, raising a hand, trying to wave off her obvious worry.


ms_nosy_teach September 27 2011, 21:11:15 UTC
"If you're sure," Akiko conceded, trying to push her worry away as well. He was almost an adult now. He wasn't her little boy anymore. She placed his plate in front of him. "Well, here you go. I hope you enjoy it."

Now she could get her own plate ready, which she did.


cult_of_shido September 27 2011, 21:15:36 UTC
"I'm sure I will." He replied sincerely, nodding a bit as he lifted his utensils. He watched her move to prepare her own meal.

He found himself staring at her as she went about the task, her long, wavy black hair, the curvature of her body... how could his father had left her? Left him? He never understood it. Never would, most likely. When he realized he was staring at his mother's rear end, he cleared his throat and focused on the plate before him.

He noticed the bottle of sake placed on the table, and in a desperate need to fill the silence. "Haven't seen you drink in awhile, mom." He commented, bringing some of the food to his lips.


ms_nosy_teach September 27 2011, 21:18:26 UTC
"Hm?" Akiko looked up at him, completely unaware of his staring as she sat back in her own seat and picked up her chopsticks. "Oh! Well, that's actually for both of us, if you like. I think you're old enough to handle a drink now."


cult_of_shido September 27 2011, 21:25:38 UTC
He blinked a little, bringing some rice to his mouth at her suggestion. ... it might help actually, he thought. Maybe enough for him to be more natural for the rest of the evening. "Well, I'd like to give it a try, sure. Could I take a swig, or.. would you rather pour me a glass?" He asked, smiling a bit... at least focusing on something else for the moment was helping him feel a bit more at ease.


ms_nosy_teach September 27 2011, 21:29:30 UTC
"I'll pour you a glass," she said with a light laugh, "You know better than to drink straight from the bottle."

Pleased with his mood at the moment and obvious appreciation of the effort she had gone through to make all of this for him, Akiko picked up one of the small sake cups and poured in a healthy dose. After handing him the cup, she poured one for herself, then raised it in a toast.

"To a quiet dinner."


cult_of_shido September 27 2011, 21:36:01 UTC
"Sorry." He chuckled nervously at his forgetting his manners briefly. He had a lot on his mind, after all. Setting down his chop sticks, he took the small cup she offered him, which was still quite filled to the brim. Carefully, he raised it in kind to his mother, the rims of the cups bumping one another.

"Yeah, to a quiet dinner." He hoped, anyway, smiling to her and bringing the cup to his lips. Hesitating for a brief moment, he then tilting the cup and let it all flow in to his mouth, the fluid hot going down his throat. He drank it a bit quick for a first timer, so he coughed quietly, clearing his throat, shaking his head a little bit as soon as he did so.

"Ahhh, I dunno how adults can like stuff like this so much..." He muttered.


ms_nosy_teach September 27 2011, 21:56:16 UTC
Akiko stifled a laugh behind her hand after she had a sip of her own sake.

"You should try sipping it at first. It's much more pleasant that way," she suggested, demonstrating with another sip. "Sake's better enjoyed slowly. It's not like beer."


cult_of_shido September 27 2011, 22:01:04 UTC
Clearing his throat again, he let out a breath, nodding as he held out the cup to her, eager to try again. Happy to focus on this, able to act a bit more normal, and now giving his mother a sincere grin. "Pour me another then, I wanna try it that way. Please?"


ms_nosy_teach September 27 2011, 22:03:14 UTC
Akiko's smile was indulgent as she nodded, pouring him another glass. In truth, she was so happy to see that expression on his face that she would have probably granted him anything he wanted at that moment.

"Just take it slowly. You should have a sip for every few bites of food you eat to pace yourself, Shido."


Anything, eh... Lol. cult_of_shido September 27 2011, 22:06:43 UTC
He nodded to her, taking her advice as he brought the cup to his lips. He took a sip, then set it down to resume eating, letting out a sigh - he had been right! He was started to feel a little more relaxed already, the warmth from his belly spreading through his body and taking away some his tense feelings.

"Alright." He said finally, taking a breath and bringing a clump of rice to his mouth. "So, what brought up the dinner and coming home early mom?" He asked, glancing towards her, definitely feeling a bit more at ease. "Not that I'm complaining but... well grades don't come out for another month or so, and I don't think I've done anything special lately..."


Within reason, of course~ ms_nosy_teach September 27 2011, 22:11:12 UTC
Food paused on its way to her mouth as she thought over how to answer his question. Well, it was probably best to be honest. Well, for the most part.

"I just thought it had been so long since we've had dinner together," she murmured, looking at him softly. "We're still family and we should spend time with one another. I thought it might be a good idea to make the effort and do that before we lose touch."


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