The Great Hotel Ranch | BYOA

Sep 21, 2011 19:40

The sun is slowly setting beyond the horizon, the sky turning pink, orange and purple as the air slowly, slowly turns from warm to cool. Spain is now taking the time to take a rest and just enjoy his surroundings. He's not quite sure what the Hotel has planned but he likes this floor a lot. The dude ranch has a couple of his favorite things, namely ( Read more... )

pairing: m/f, pairing: m/m, series: axis powers hetalia

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ingreatdeeds September 23 2011, 05:24:33 UTC
[ooc; Just CR is totally fine with me if you don't mind, bby~ ♥]

Aaron had always loved animals. As a child who was too shy and quiet to be noticed or want to make himself noticed, they had often been his main company when his brother was busy. On top of that, Aaron had a particular love for horses. Being able to go reminded him of the cavalry and J.E.B. Stuart and despite being stuck in the hotel he finds the nostalgia atleast serves to lift his mood, even after he had returned the horse he had ridden to the stables himself.

It's because of his good mood mainly that he decides to approach Spain whereas otherwise he likely would have gone on his way rather than bother the other Nation.

"Hello there. Mind some company?"


si_espana September 23 2011, 13:27:13 UTC
(ooc: Of course I don't mind. ♥)

Spain had almost completely fallen asleep when he hears the voice. He's not sure if he's heard it before but he doesn't mind the disturbance. It's probably even time for dinner anyway so it's a good thing to be woken up.

He opens his eyes and finds himself looking at... America? He's also here? The Iberian Nation blinks a bit blankly at "America."

"Not at all..." He answers, still a bit disoriented, voice a bit rough with sleep. Why does America sound different?


ingreatdeeds September 23 2011, 17:22:51 UTC
The Confederate had hardly noticed Spain nearly sleeping, offering him a apologetic smile as he sits down beside him.

"I wake ya up? S'rry 'bout that, I didn' realize."

Even if despite the apologeticness he still seems in too much of a good mood to really sincerely mean it. After all, dinner wouldn't be far off, someone would've had to wake the other Nation anyway.


si_espana September 24 2011, 02:54:06 UTC
"It's all right..." Spain answers with a smile as he takes a moment to stretch and sit up.

Sitting up gives him a good view of the sunset. It's really starting to get dark now and what's left of the sun is a beautiful sight. Spain sighs softly, contentedly. It's really nice to be out with nature like this.


ingreatdeeds September 24 2011, 03:28:37 UTC
"It's lovely, ain't it?" He always preferred the end of the day. Down South, it was so hot during the days and often either cold or humid at night. Leaning back against the tree, he glances over the horizon with a quiet hum.


si_espana September 24 2011, 07:40:31 UTC
He nods and hums in agreement, his eyes still on the setting sun. "It is. There's nothing quite like it in the world." The end of the day is also a favorite of Spain's. There's just something about the thought of rest and recuperation after a long day of working and moving that just makes it so much more beautiful.


ingreatdeeds September 24 2011, 17:37:32 UTC
"Of course not. It wouldn' be so special then." He says it in a playful tone, almost teasing. Stretching his arms out in front of him, the southerner yawns a bit before resting against the tree again. He was already tired from the day.


si_espana September 25 2011, 07:41:35 UTC
Spain watches as his companion sinks back against the grass to rest. He looks like America, but he doesn't sound like him. He doesn't even "feel" like America, if that makes any sense.

"...You're not America, yes?" He finally asks after a while.


ingreatdeeds September 25 2011, 16:41:50 UTC
The question seems to surprise him a bit. While only a handful of other Nations recognized him as the Confederacy, there still weren't very many who realized he wasn't the United States, even after having him around for a longer period of time.

He smiles, one hand running through his hair. "Not tha way yer thinkin' of. I'm his br'ther, act'ally."


si_espana September 26 2011, 15:24:34 UTC
"I never knew he had a brother." Something was niggling in his mind about a brother of America's. Does he have one? He somehow feels that he does but not a twin like this. Not exactly. Where is he getting this feeling from?


ingreatdeeds September 26 2011, 16:51:39 UTC
"Well, there are two of us. Br'thers of his, I mean. I'm...tha youngest." They may not know which one was older, but Aaron being the youngest was pretty certain.

He chuckles almost sheepishly. "Ah, where are my manners. I'm tha Confederate States of America."


si_espana September 28 2011, 01:43:15 UTC
Spain smiles as the Confederate States introduces himself, welcoming as always. He holds out his hand for a shake. "España, Spain." The Confederate States probably already knows about him but well, it's just polite and Spain does know his manners no matter how relaxed and casual he may seem.


ingreatdeeds September 28 2011, 01:49:28 UTC
Yes, CSA is already aware of who Spain is. He's one of only a small handful Aaron knows, despite the fact he's existed since 1787. Of course, the way he met Spain involved taking Florida from the other, but...let sleeping dogs lie. CSA has no reason to be antagonizing, Spain isn't his enemy.

"A pleasure." He takes the other's hand in a firm shake.


si_espana September 28 2011, 03:57:40 UTC
It's been a while since Florida has been taken from him, hasn't it? Most of the time, Spain tends to forget about such things or he just chooses not to remember. It makes dealing with people much easier if you forget about the hurts of the past.

"For me as well." Spain says with a bright smile and returns the firm shake.


ingreatdeeds September 28 2011, 04:06:52 UTC
Aaron could probably do well to learn such a mindset. His problem tends to be not only does he not forget, but he doesn't let go either. He has a talent for holding grudges like that. But that's a different story.

There's a quiet chuckle, smiling himself though far more subdued, letting go of the other's hand. "How long have ya been out here?"


si_espana September 28 2011, 04:23:48 UTC
If Spain ever knew about that, he'll tell him just how unhealthy that is.

"A while." The Iberian answers easily enough before glancing back out to the horizon. The sun is almost completely set now. "I got to know one of the horses."


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