The Great Hotel Ranch | BYOA

Sep 21, 2011 19:40

The sun is slowly setting beyond the horizon, the sky turning pink, orange and purple as the air slowly, slowly turns from warm to cool. Spain is now taking the time to take a rest and just enjoy his surroundings. He's not quite sure what the Hotel has planned but he likes this floor a lot. The dude ranch has a couple of his favorite things, namely ( Read more... )

pairing: m/f, pairing: m/m, series: axis powers hetalia

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crams_til_4am September 21 2011, 21:59:07 UTC
[ooc: Hey there! I'm pretty sure we RPed before. Did you play at aphdressingroom a few years ago? I played a France there.]"Aaaauuughh!! Someone help!" Hopefully Spain wasn't going to get comfortable any time soon. A loud cry of help sounded off somewhere in the distance ( ... )


si_espana September 22 2011, 02:08:55 UTC
(ooc: I did, yes. ^^ And I think affectionate CR will do for now, if you don't mind. Spain wouldn't want to make Tsutomo's injuries worse, haha)

Well, the loud shout and the stamping of hooves is a good, if startling, wake up call. Spain, for all his inherent laziness, is able to move quickly and think on his feet when the opportunity demands it. He quickly gets up, alert and calm, and looks towards the horse coming his way.

The best thing to do is jump out of the way, run to the stable and get on a horse to chase down the spooked horse and its poor rider. However, that'd take too long and you just never know.

"Don't scream." Spain tells the man who is hanging on for dear life, his voice loud enough to be hard but calm. He knows it sounds ridiculous but screaming will just scare the horse even more.

He waits for the horse to come even closer.


crams_til_4am September 22 2011, 02:21:25 UTC
[ooc: Well his injuries aren't as bad as I described, but I'm all up for a bit of romantic CR \o/ perhaps it'll be a nice change from Tsutomu just randomly sexing with people he just met.]

"I-I can't, this isn't exactly a pleasant situation for me!" The young man shouted, as he clung on to that thing called 'dear life' that Spain just described. But...if it was going to help...

Tsutomu closed his mouth, trying hard not to cry out or scream, but he was so scared, he couldn't help but whimper at best. Once he looked up, however...

"W-watch out! Get out of the way!" He cried out, waving his other hand.


si_espana September 22 2011, 02:28:45 UTC
(ooc: He needs a break every now and then. ^^)

Seeing that he's able to wave his other hand, Spain asks, "Can you reach one of the reigns?"

If Tsutomu can do that, this'll be done easier. If not, Spain will have to jump in and risk injury to himself.


crams_til_4am September 22 2011, 02:56:54 UTC
"Th-the reins? ...I can try!" Tsutomu was dead, he just knew it. He tried his hardest to reach, but he kept looking back at the man. He didn't want him to get hit!

just as his very fingertips barely touched the rein, the string that was pulling Tsutomu had snapped, throwing the poor guy off the horse, and onto the grassy ground with a large "oof" coming from his mouth. The horse itself ran for a bit, but appeared to have calmed down and eventually stop.

Meanwhile, Tsutomu struggled to get up from the ground.


si_espana September 22 2011, 03:34:59 UTC
Spain immediately runs towards the fallen man. The horse can wait. He stops by the man's side and crouches down to check for his injuries.

"I think it'll be best if you stayed down for a bit, amigo." He tells the man with a bit of a soothing smile. "How do you feel? Where does it hurt?"


crams_til_4am September 22 2011, 03:59:57 UTC
Despite the man's words, Tsutomu still forced himself to stand up. He had a job to do and he was going to finish it. His name didn't spell "hard worker" in Kanji for nothing.

"I-I'm fine. It's just a stomach ache. I'll be okay." He looked up and tried to smile back, but his jaw almost dropped as he realized how...handsome this guy was. He forgot about the fact that there was a nice shiner forming on his eye.

"I uh...f-fine...I'm..." His assuring words turned into goofy stutters, almost as if he were an awkward schoolboy talking to his girl crush.


si_espana September 22 2011, 04:33:18 UTC
"Are you sure?" Spain asks, oblivious to the other man's reaction to him. You can drool and stare for as long as you want but Spain might not even see it. "I'm sure no one will mind much if you take a bit of a rest."

And getting dragged around a horse like that isn't something you recover from that fast.


from charming to goofy in just the change of an icon. One reason why I love Spain crams_til_4am September 22 2011, 04:48:44 UTC
Tsutomu finally got up, but his legs still shook from the shock that just happened. In fact, after recovering from the shock and remembering what just happened, Tsutomu's whole body began to shake. Without warning, Tsutomu stumbled forward, and grabbed onto Spain's shirt to prevent himself from falling.

But instead of stepping back right away, he found his face buried deep in the Spaniard's chest, taking in his spicy scent. He stood there, shaking and holding tight, making resistante noises as if he's trying to hold himself back from crying or traumatic screaming. Eventually, he pushed away.

"S-sorry! I kind of...fell. Anyways it's okay. I need to get that horse back to the stables." Embarrassed at what he just did, he started to hurry towards the horse, and away from the awkward situation he just caused. That is...until the shock had gone away, and the pain settled in.

"....Maybe I could rest for a few minutes."


Haha, right, right ^_~ si_espana September 22 2011, 05:17:33 UTC
Spain isn't surprised when the man gets up only to stumble forward. Good thing he has quick reflexes and is able to catch and support him without any problems.

"Really, really sure?" The Iberian Nation asks again as he steadies the other man against him. Before he gets an answer, the man pushes away and starts to move towards the horse. But he doesn't get far.

Spain hums in agreement as he moves towards the horse himself. He smiles over his shoulder at the unsteady man as he makes his way forward. "Take as long as you need. I'll take care of the horse."


crams_til_4am September 22 2011, 22:26:48 UTC
Tsutomu could just crawl into a hole, feeling as uncool as he did. He gave the Spaniard an awkward smile as he watched him walk towards the horse.

After that, he limped over to the tree, sitting against it in the same position that the stranger was previously. He felt bad for taking his spot, but...the man didn't look like he seemed to mind.


si_espana September 22 2011, 23:01:23 UTC
The horse looks compliant enough now that it has calmed down, but Spain didn't want to take his chances. He approaches slowly, carefully, making sure to keep his voice low and calm when he talks to it. His hands lift to gently rub along the fine animal's coat, talking to it soothingly and introducing himself. When they have gotten to know each other a little, the Iberian Nation starts leading it back to the stable. Spain has been working with horses for centuries and now communicating with them comes quite naturally to him ( ... )


crams_til_4am September 23 2011, 02:20:45 UTC
Tsutomu hadn't realized he had fallen asleep. It didn't took him until the sound of someone's voice to quickly wake him up. He looked up to see who the voice belonged to.

It was that man from before.

"No, I haven't. I guess that horse took so much energy that I got tired pretty fast, ehehe..." Tsutomu let out a loud groan as he sat up. His stomach hurt a lot worse than before.

"That horse only kicked my stomach, and ruined by shoes. I think I'm fine, otherwise. eye hurts for some reason." Tsutomu's memory of hitting the fence had vanished.


si_espana September 23 2011, 03:58:47 UTC
Spain moves to sit down beside him to see how bad the damage is. He leans a bit close to examine that eye. It doesn't look good. How red it looks is enough indication that it would need ice or some other type of first aid. He smiles helplessly at how bad his eye looks. "You don't look too well. We should get you back to the house so we can clean you up and you can rest." Spain has no idea how close he is.


crams_til_4am September 23 2011, 21:18:23 UTC
"I...I think I'll be okay. I still have other things I promised to do. And I don't want to trouble you with all of that." Tsutomu, motivated to finish his work, groaned as he tried to stand up again. But Spain was leaning over a little too close, and Tsutomu didn't have the energy to tell him to move.

"Oh uh...I didn't get your name. I'm Tsutomu."


si_espana September 24 2011, 01:39:57 UTC
"Antonio and it's nice to meet you." He smiles at Tsutomu, glad to have a name to match with the new face. "But I think I'll have to insist that you let me tend to your wounds. It's not any trouble at all."

And besides, those injuries could just get much worse and no one really wants that.


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