The Beach || BYO Aphro

Aug 25, 2011 22:35

Each time Hakkai thought he was used to waking to the whims of the hotel, the hotel continued to prove him wrong. This time, though, there were no chains or blindfolds. No, what woke him was the smell of salt in the air and a warm, soft breeze teasing along his cheek from the open window near the bed he was piled up in. Not feeling the need for immediate action, he let his mind wander that blissful half-asleep state as he let himself doze on, lulled by the smell and sound of what could only be the nearby sea.

A long while later, he finally rose to peer around the room. Yet another space he didn't recognize, but the soft blues and creams around him were relaxing colors; a restful sight on eyes far too used to the garish red of hotel walls. Curious as to where he'd ended up this time, he let himself wander the small house, peeking into closets only to be pleasantly shocked to find normal clothes and a minimum of the more eclectic toys the hotel seemed to prefer.

Perhaps the Merciful Goddess had decided to allow him a break. Maybe it was just the hotel's way of letting him recharge before tossing him back into some kind of hellish retelling of his past.

Either way, he was going to enjoy what little time he might have in the small house on the beach.

[ooc: Hakkai's on the beach in a nice little beach house. Feel free to join him if you like! Usual no-no's apply: no bathroom related things and no one under 18 except for CR only. Darker themes are welcome and encouraged! Canonmates will be given all the love I can give! PM me with any questions!]

series: saiyuki

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