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wingedshuriken August 24 2011, 13:01:50 UTC
Again, there's that feeling that she really ought to remind him of Aerith. Still, he seems so... different from the last time she saw him. He was obviously out here originally to enjoy himself, rather than running around trying to find the Ancient and be with her, and it doesn't look like he's in any real hurry to go anywhere without the Turk. Has something else happened here at this hotel to change his predisposition from unavailable to something less exclusive ( ... )


top_class_zack August 24 2011, 23:39:35 UTC
Zack would rather not tell her about how this place had changed things around for him in regards to Aerith--he cared about her still of course--but he saw very little of her here, and he had been in this place for, well..he's pretty certain it was a year at least.

So when Cissnei gets a little bold and slides her arms around his middle, he doesn't fight her. He hadn't seen his friend in awhile either, but for a moment there, they had seen each other fairly often; more often than he saw Aerith by far.

He missed that. The feeling he got waking up to see Cissnei laying beside him still, or seeing her at any one time at all. So when she asks what she asks, Zack can't help but smile down at her. It wasn't wrong to hear that response of hers and like it, not when he knew how things worked here. Even if Aerith were here, she was enjoying someone else, and there were so many different versions and situations they came from that ( ... )


wingedshuriken August 25 2011, 11:42:00 UTC
Cissnei, of course, has no memory of any of the things that Zack does. She still doesn't know what the hotel's true function is and she doesn't know that she's been here before. To her, Zack has been gone for almost a year and this is the first time she's ever held hands with him while they were off to the very loaded with implications location of his room. This is surreal for the young Turk, like inhabiting a dreamworld... one she knows in the depths of her soul that she prays she will never wake up from.

Her fingers lace securely with his while he leads her away from the public scene of debauchery and with surprisingly little effort, she keeps up with his longer strides despite his greater height. Adrenaline will do that to you, she absentmindedly muses, though honestly, her mind is much more preoccupied with what's going to happen once they arrive at his place to care very much about the mechanics of walking quickly.


top_class_zack August 29 2011, 20:02:24 UTC
Zack's already quick-beating heart seems to somehow beat all the faster as he leads Cissnei in the direction of his room. He doesn't say anything to her, though he does glance over at her every now and then. This place was picking at his feelings for her of which had grown in his experiences within the Hotel itself.

As tempting as it is to take her right now, Zack is still very much a 'behind closed doors' sort of guy, but when they reach his door, he just can't help pausing at it. Turning to face Cissnei, he murmurs something about feeling nervous and leans in and kisses her lightly on the lips.

Quickly the touch of his against hers firms up a bit as his free hand reaches behind him to open his door, the ex-SOLDIER making sure to still keep that sweet, soft contact between the two of them.

((Sooooo sorry this took longer than I realized! I live on the East Coast, and more specifically, Virginia. I had hoped to get to this sooner than I have now.))


wingedshuriken August 30 2011, 00:54:16 UTC
The Turk finds his nervousness endearing, to say the least. Despite their flirting, she knew all along that he was in love with Aerith; she never dared to really dream that she would ever be the one to make him feel that way. It sharpens the excitement of the moment for her and she sighs when Zack stops to kiss her, her hands going to his chest immediately, elegant fingers moving over the lapels of his tux jacket in thinly veiled yearning. She offers no resistance to him as the kissing becomes more potent - instead, she matches his increased ardor with her own and raised her hands higher to cup his jaw, leaning her smaller frame flush against his while she parts her lips more for him.

She wanted him for so many years, and when he left for Nibelheim, never to come home again, she missed him more than anyone else in Shinra. She wanted to leave to look for him, but she knew she was being watched, of course, her hands tied, her duty to the corporation that owned her keeping her firmly in place, and all she could do was look after his ( ... )


D-D'aww, such an awesome reply~ You amazing Cissnei you! top_class_zack August 30 2011, 01:06:47 UTC
Her lips tasted so sweet, and when she draws out his tongue with her own, it's because he needed no real urging aside from that first initial brush against his own tongue. That was enough to get him to respond, to kiss her as hard as she was kissing him, strong arms wrapped around Cissnei to keep her held against him, even with his door now open.

His hands bunch against the soft fabric of her dress, placed at the Turk's lower back as he relaxed into her own hold on him. The feel of her soft, small fingers touched against him and of her thumbs moving so tenderly over his cheeks made him feel like something he hadn't felt in some time.


(OOC: I'm alright, yes~ Safe as well, and thank you. A tree two fell where I was staying at that moment, but we had actually gone out in the hurricane to see if there was anywhere to possibly eat with power instead of just sitting around in the dark. Lucky we're impatient sorts, eh? It happened after we left.)


;A; Awww, thank you! <333 wingedshuriken August 30 2011, 13:28:53 UTC
Zack's arms around Cissnei have a similar effect on her; she's never been with someone she's had feelings for - not like what she feels for the ex-SOLDIER. It's only a matter of time before she begins to sigh and moan into the kiss, relishing the softness of his lips, the feather-light touch of his tongue on the roof of her mouth as she gives it a small, experimental suck. The sensations of just this kiss and the desperation of his hands at the small of her back send the most pleasant shivers she's ever felt thus-far in her life through her body. It's as the Turk begins to bodily push him backwards into the room that she decides that even if somehow they're separated in the morning, she'll never regret this choice. She could never regret letting him kiss her like this, or hold her so closely.

[ OOC: Eeek! I'm glad to hear you're all safe and well! That's really scary, whoa. Talk about good timing. ]


No prob! I'm doin my best to keep up~ <33 top_class_zack August 30 2011, 22:40:10 UTC
Zack hoped that they didn't part ways in the morning--he knew how the Hotel was, however, and decided when they crossed into his room thath e would give her a moment, a time to remember. He's backing up more and more until he feels the back of his knees touch his bed. Breaking the kiss, Zack looks into Cissnei's eyes, vivid sky blue looking into light chocolate brown eyes.

He's breathing heavily, but he isn't winded in the least. Slowly a smile appears on his face as he softly murmurs, "I don't think I got to tell you how beautiful you look in that."

(OOC: Heh, yeah~ Also, I went with light brown for her eyes cuz uh, I looked it up and that's what I came across first. Ahem~ :x )


You're doing well too! Light brown was what I was going with too. XD wingedshuriken August 31 2011, 00:55:37 UTC
Cissnei smiles up at Zack and traces the scar on his jaw lightly with her fingertips, his souvenir from one of the missions in his life that changed him so deeply. "Well, I'm not sure you're Turk material," she replies teasingly before pressing another, shorter yet no less sweet kiss to his lips again, "But you look amazing." I love you, was what she wants to say, but she doesn't. Instead, she runs her hands over his chest and up his shoulders. It's so easy to get lost in his eyes. Tonight, there's no reason she can't let herself go.


Oh, good! Phew! :Db top_class_zack August 31 2011, 01:10:52 UTC
Zack's look softens as Cissnei's fingertips trace his scar, her words stopping him from dwelling on Angeal more than he already did, even while here in this place. The man had meant a lot to him, and was someone he looked up to and cared for.

Instead though, he smirks, looking only slightly bashful at her words. "Amazing and beautiful. We'd make a pretty good team I think." It's his turn to give Cissnei a brief kiss as well, though after his lips start to move to a spot along her jawline instead. Another kiss is placed to another spot, his lips dragging lightly against her skin before pressing against her earlobe.

His breath is warm, and comes out in a short puff as his hands slide down a little further to rest just where her lower back just starts to curve into something he had watched sway a time or two when they were younger.

"Gotta get you out of this, Cissnei."


<333! wingedshuriken August 31 2011, 01:39:18 UTC
"Unzip me..." Cissnei breathes back, her brown eyes growing heavy-lidded as Zack's warm mouth brushes along the sensitive skin of her neck and ear. She's all but clinging to him and as his hands stroke her back, she arches and sighs his name like a purring cat. She's sadly not strong enough to remove the Buster Sword from his back, buy she can unbutton his clean, crisply pressed shirt and that's what her fingers turn to working on while she leans her head aside, giving Zack more access to her throat and ear. The intimate warmth of his breath makes her shiver pleasantly and she begins to feel her desire for him growing hotter, more potent.


<3333! Oh you know, I have a post of his up from a few days ago... top_class_zack August 31 2011, 01:53:03 UTC
She didn't have to say that twice, Zack's hands sliding up to her zipper as his lips move to press just under her ear, nose brushing lightly against Cissnei's earlobe. A soft zipping sound can be heard as he slides the zipper to her dress down. He murmurs something that can't quite be heard, but it sounds a lot like a loving sort of word as he pulls back just a little.

The buttons to his shirt undone, Cissnei gets a peek of the muscles that lay underneath. She had seen them before on the beach, but they seemed tighter, more defined here, if that were possible. Had he been working out while here? His hands slide away so that he can remove his sword, and for just a brief moment he steps away from Cissnei to drive the sword into the floor enough for it to stay in place.

Slowly reaching out, Zack pulls back into reach of the Turk to start sliding down Cissnei's dress, a kiss placed to a slender, soft shoulder as his hand brushes over and briefly rubs the other.


Link me and I'll tag in with Cissnei! wingedshuriken August 31 2011, 02:29:43 UTC
Sure, she's seen his bare torso before, but she never did touch, regardless of how much she wanted to. Cissnei's hands run over his sharply defined abdomen and pecs in reverance while he begins to tug her gown down over her breasts. She shivers when he kisses her shoulder and she pushes his shirt and coat off of his broad, rounded shoulders to reveal more of his skin to her. The young Turk helps Zack pull her dress down her hips, her own upper body naked now. The luxurious material of the formal gown pools at her calves and she stands there in her silver heels and red lace panties.

Cissnei thought she would be more nervous to be so exposed in front of Zack, but in honesty, she's not really scared. She still feels as though this is the exact place she's supposed to be. She can't think of anyone else she'd rather give herself to than Zack. And, Gaia, he looks so delicious to her right now with his perfect body and bright, intense blue eyes. She can't stop touching him.


Sure! top_class_zack August 31 2011, 02:38:58 UTC
"Wow." Zack breathes out, his eyes sweeping up and down her form in a quick motion, taking in the sight of her. She'll have to do with less contact to give to him as Zack stoops down a little to press a kiss to one of Cissnei's nipples, one of his hands snaking around her to gently cup an asscheek. Lightly he squeezes against cheek and lacy panty as his lips move to press just under her breast.

"Lay on the bed for me?" He murmurs, hand moving away.

(OOC: http://the-love-hotel.livejournal.com/3870291.html#cutid1 )


wingedshuriken August 31 2011, 14:42:32 UTC
As if he even had to ask. When the light swoon from his more personal attention to her body released her, Cissnei stepped out of the folds of her dress and took the few steps to the bed. She lowered herself down onto all fours, giving him a perfect view of her rear as she crawled across the bedspread to the center of the mattress. Cissnei might have been a virgin, but she was certainly not innocent. Being a child of Shinra had made sure of that, and then growing up from adolescence among the Turks had rid her of her remaining vulnerability. The Turks had restored some of her heart, yes, so she understood that not everyone was a threat, but she had never been an angel.

Satisfied with her placement finally, Cissnei laid down on her side and watched Zack from the bed, still wearing her underwear and heels. She figured he would tell her if he wanted them removed too. As it was, she had no qualms about undressing the rest of him herself. In fact, she was looking forward to it.


top_class_zack August 31 2011, 21:21:25 UTC
Zack takes advantage of the view she provides him and swallows as she crawls her way to the middle of the bed. Letting out a breath he realized he had been holding in, Zack smiles softly and climbs onto the bed as well. He would have no issue with her removing his clothes, as evidenced by the fact he didn't move to remove his own.

Instead he pauses just at Cissnei's feet, his eyes on her before lowering to said slender legs. Gently he takes a heel clad foot and lifts it while urging Cissnei more onto her back, a kiss placed just above the Turk's ankle.


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