Medical Kink: Night Watch Merle // Surprise Kink! //

Aug 07, 2011 22:22

"You have got to be kidding me!"

Merle thought that she'd been a pretty good sport about this whole thing so far. The hospital had put out word that they were looking for assistant nurses, and so she had moved all the way to the small middle-of-nowhere town, just for them (the generous pay was secondary, really!).

She had taken the small plain room they offered for boarding without much complaint, and sat through the boring training day without causing any trouble. She had even agreed to wear the nurse's uniform, which wasn't functional at all in her opinion! The skirt was too short, the top was too tight, and pale pink was not the right color for a nurse to be wearing.

But this was the last straw. Merle clutched her patient's file, waving it right in her supervisor's face. "Did you read this? Did you see what it says I have to do?"

The woman starred cooly over her glasses at Merle.

"Yes, I saw. What did you expect we would be having you do here, hm? You're not even a medical student."

"W-well, even so--" Merle's ears wilted, just slightly, "that doesn't mean you can make me do-- this kind of stuff!"

"We're not forcing you to do anything. If you want to leave, you're free to do so. However, you forfeit any pay you've earned so far, and are not welcome to work for us in any other position. You are also responsible for funding your own trip home. It's all in your contract, here..." without glancing up from her own work, the supervisor slid Merle's contract across the desk.

Merle's eyes sharpened into a deadly sharp glare, her fur bristling at the shoulders.

"Then how the heck am I supposed to go home, huh? The only reason I could get out here was because the hospital paid for it!"

"Well, that does put you in a difficult position, doesn't it."

Thus, before the hour was out Merle was lingering just out side her patient's door. She looked over the file one more time, and let out a long defeated sigh. "Okay, fine... might as well get this over with..." she muttered.


[OOC: TLDR; Merle is a nurse at a small hospital, and she has been ordered to "take care of" your character. Is it because they are an influential figure? Could they help out the hospital? Or is it all just for shits and giggles? Who knows!

The only problem is there was a mix up in filing, and now your character's file says they have a kink -that they may or may not have- that Merle now must indulge!

So, let's make a game out of this!! find a die or use a random number generator, and set the options as 1-6. Roll/generate a number, and put what you get in your subject line. Based on the number, you'll get a random kink used on your character by Nurse!Merle.

If you REALLY wanna cheat/feel uncomfortable taking a chance, you can go ahead and look below, and choose the kink you like :3 Males and females alike for this one. If you wanna ask anything, go ahead and send me a PM]

[You cheater! You're cheating! :P

1. Lactation
2. Foot job
3. Tit-job
4. The information is absent-- Merle will have to ask the patient what they like!
5. Ingestion of sexual fluid-- how about a little extra something on that bland hospital food? Something to take the bitter out of your tea?
6. Sex toys!]

series: escaflowne

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