The Beach | Birthday Blues {BYOA}

Aug 05, 2011 23:19

With the will of the hotel to create just about any scenario it wished, it was often hard to keep track of the seasons going by. However, if one was to find themselves wandering along a long stretch of sand as the sun slowly began to dip below the horizon, it would truly feel like summer. It was obviously fated that Amelia found herself wandering along the shoreline after checking the dates on the calender she found in her room. While she had some sense of how much time had passed since her arrival, one day seemed to blur into another, so it became difficult to distinguish exactly how long it had been. Apparently someone wanted to be sure she knew what day it was, and had set things up for her to end up at the beach. She had to wonder though, if she should take this small act of kindness at face value or not.

Then again, the princess did have to question how exactly the hotel expected her to "celebrate" as they put it on the card left next the package outside her door that morning. While she knew it was silly to question how anyone had known about her birthday, the gift, namely a rather provocative set of lingerie, had left her rather flustered to say the least. And yet, against her better judgment, she had put the undergarments on, wrapping a sarong around her waist to cover up her legs, leaving her shoulders and arms bare. The beach was deserted regardless, apart from the small house near the cliffs, so Amelia doubted she'd find herself with any company. That was for the best, since she didn't wish for anyone to see her moping.

Admittedly she didn't like to make a big deal about her birthday. Sure, in Seyruun her father would throw some sort of celebration, as was tradition, but it wasn't something she missed today. Of course she missed her daddy, and the chance to go visit her mother's grave. It was something she did every year, no matter what the circumstance, and yet this time she couldn't make it. Even if she would be returned home where no time had passed, it still left a lingering ache. Sure, she could spend time with friends, but then she'd have to tell people what was so special about the day. She had never even brought it up amongst her traveling companions from home; she didn't want to make them feel obligated to do anything for her.

As her bare feet left shallow footprints in the sand, she paused to stare out at the horizon, before glancing down at the object in her hands. It seemed like an ordinary glass bottle, but sealed inside was a rolled up piece of paper. The healer didn't even know why she was bothering to do this; it wasn't really the ocean, the message to her father wouldn't cross dimensions back to her own world. This was just her silly desire for a little bit of comfort, and yet that knowledge hadn't stopped her from writing the letter now encased in glass. Without another word, she drew her arm back, before throwing the bottle as hard as she could, letting it whirl through the air before landing with a splash in the water, the tide carrying it slowly away. Even as her arm lowered to her side, Amelia kept watching it float away, almost in a trance, as if she wished she too could drift out to sea.

[ooc: Someone is a little homesick on her birthday, just pretend this entry is forward-dated to the 7th, this is just in case I have problems setting up my new laptop, so feel free to cheer her up. Always happy to thread with old acquaintances, castmates, and new people alike, men and women welcome for both CR and smut, usual no death/bathroom/gore kinks warning. Anything else you're not sure of, just ask. Also, a note for those who have CR with her; she won't have mentioned her birthday, but if you want to have knowledge of it, you're free to say one of the hotel staff gave you a note telling you about it. ^^]

pairing: f/f, pairing: f/m, series: slayers

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